Page 56 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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              World War I                       Understanding                     Crisis in a

              The Definitive Encyclopedia       U.S. Military                     Divided Korea
              and Document Collection           Conflicts through                 A Chronology and
              5 VOLUMES                         Primary Sources                   Reference Guide
                                                4 VOLUMES | JAMES R. ARNOLD       JAMES I. MATRAY
                                                AND ROBERTA WIENER, EDITORS

              ABC-CLIO                                                            April 2016, 389pp, 7x10
              October 2014, 2,307pp, 8 1/2x11   ABC-CLIO                          Print: 978-1-61069-992-1
              Print: 978-1-85109-964-1          November 2015, 1,840pp, 8 1/2x11  $89.00, £69.00, €81.00
              $520.00, £400.00, €473.00         Print: 978-1-61069-933-4          eBook: 978-1-61069-993-8
              eBook: 978-1-85109-965-8          $415.00, £320.00, €378.00
                                                eBook: 978-1-61069-934-1
                                                                                    This book helps the reader
                > AWARD WINNER                                                     “ better understand current U.S.
              2015 Editors’ Choice Selection –Booklist  > AWARD WINNER              relations with South Korea as
               “ the war fulfills the aim of being   2015 AHF Distinguished Writing Awards   well as gives insights into the
                 [T]his extensive examination of
                                                                                    North Korean Kim dynasty, its
                                                Reference Winner –The Army Historical
                a ‘definitive’ set. . . . The entries,   Foundation                 ability to last through three
                                                                                    generations, and its current
                overall, are succinct and well   “ Useful for libraries supporting
                written. . . . This exhaustive    a military-history curriculum     nuclear posturing. ”
                encyclopedia is highly            or public libraries collecting             —ARBA, August 22, 2016
                             ”                                                    This book provides scholars and
                recommended.                      comprehensively. . . .
                      —Booklist, December 15, 2014  Recommended. ”                students examining Korea’s place
              Offering exhaustive coverage, detailed          —Choice, May 1, 2017  in modern world politics with an
              analyses, and the latest historical   An easily accessible resource that   invaluable resource for understanding
              interpretations of events, this expansive,   showcases the links between using   the causes, course, and consequences
              five-volume encyclopedia is the most   documented primary sources and   of the ongoing crisis on the Korean
              comprehensive and detailed reference   gaining a more nuanced understanding   Peninsula.
              source on the First World War available   of military history.      FEATURES
              today.                                                              •  Provides readers with an
                                                                                    understanding of the reasons for
                                                •  Covers benchmark documents in U.S.
              SPENCER C. TUCKER, PhD, is senior                                     the existence of two nations on the
              fellow in military history for ABC-CLIO   diplomatic and military history from   Korean Peninsula
              and the author or editor of more than   14 conflicts
              50 books and encyclopedias, many of
              which have received major awards.  JAMES R. ARNOLD is the author of   JAMES I. MATRAY, PhD, is professor
                                                more than 30 books devoted to military   of history at California State University,
                                                                                  Chico, CA.
                                                and political history.
                                                ROBERTA WIENER is managing editor
                                                of the Journal of Military History.
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