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                NEW                               NEW                               FORTHCOMING

              Afghanistan at War                The Roots and                     Russian Revolution

              From the 18th-Century             Consequences of Civil             of 1917
              Durrani Dynasty to                Wars and Revolutions              The Essential
              the 21st Century                                                    Reference Guide
                                                Conflicts That
              TOM LANSFORD, EDITOR              Changed World History             SEAN N. KALIC AND
                                                                                  GATES M. BROWN, EDITORS
                                                SPENCER C. TUCKER

              February 2017, 581pp, 7x10        ABC-CLIO                          ABC-CLIO
              Print: 978-1-59884-759-8          February 2017, 529pp, 7x10        September 2017, 350pp, 7x10
              $100.00, £77.00, €91.00                                             Print: 978-1-4408-5092-9
              eBook: 978-1-59884-760-4          Print: 978-1-4408-4293-1          $94.00, £73.00, €86.00
                                                $100.00, £77.00, €91.00
                                                eBook: 978-1-4408-4294-8          eBook: 978-1-4408-5093-6
              Covering wars and conflicts of
              Afghanistan from the modern founding   This book treats 30 important civil   Combining reference entries and
              of the country in the 1700s to the   wars and revolutions across the world,   examination of primary documents
              contemporary struggle with the Taliban,   including Africa, Asia, the Americas,   from the Russian Revolution, this book
              this single-volume reference analyzes   Europe, and the Middle East, covering   gives students a better understanding of
              the causes and results of Afghanistan’s   a broad swath of recorded history from   how and why political forces fought to
              wars and examines leading political and   ancient times to the present.  reshape the Russian empire 100 years
              military figures, weapons, and tactics.                             ago—and provides keen insights into the
                                                FEATURES                          Soviet Union that resulted.
              FEATURES                          •  Provides the reader with an
              •  Provides readers with a thorough   informative, accessible account of   FEATURES
                background on the wars of         important world revolutions and civil   •  Provides a detailed history of the
                Afghanistan that allows them to   wars that have shaped our present   Russian Revolution, addressing events
                understand the influence of past   world                            from the abdication of Czar Nicholas II
                conflicts on current strife     •  Includes introductory essays that help   to the Bolshevik Revolution
              •  Enables a more complete appreciation   readers understand the causes and
                of the ethnic and religious       effects of each war
                complexities that fuel the ongoing                                SEAN N. KALIC, PhD, is professor
                conflict in Afghanistan                                           of military history in the Department
                                                SPENCER C. TUCKER, PhD, is senior   of Military History at the U.S. Army
              •  Examines how past Afghan conflicts                               Command and General Staff College,
                contributed to the rise of terrorism   fellow in military history for ABC-CLIO   where he has taught since 2004.
                                                and the author or editor of more than
                and figures such as Osama bin Laden  50 books and encyclopedias, many of   GATES M. BROWN, PhD, is assistant
                                                which have received major awards.  professor of military history at the U.S.
                                                                                  Army Command and General Staff
              TOM LANSFORD, PhD, is professor                                     College at Fort Leavenworth, KS.
              of political science at the University of
              Southern Mississippi, Long Beach, MS.

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