Page 46 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 46


                                 All Things                                          The Spanish Empire
                                 Julius Caesar                                       A Historical

                                 An Encyclopedia                                     Encyclopedia
                                 of Caesar’s World                                   2 VOLUMES
                                 and Legacy                                          H. MICHEAL TARVER, EDITOR
                                                                                     EMILY SLAPE, ASSISTANT EDITOR
                                 2 VOLUMES | MICHAEL LOVANO                            Highly recommended. All
                                  “ This is a well-researched                        “ libraries. All levels.
                                   and constructed
                                   companion to study. . .                                —Choice, February 1, 2017
                                   As such, it is an important
            GREENWOOD                                           ABC-CLIO             “ An exceptional
            December 2014, 956pp, 7x10  addition to any library   July 2016, 602pp, 7x10  history.
            Print: 978-1-4408-0420-5  of historical materials   Print: 978-1-61069-421-6
            $189.00, £146.00, €172.00  useful to researchers at all   $198.00, £153.00, €180.00      —Booklist, November 7, 2016
            eBook: 978-1-4408-0421-2  levels.                   eBook: 978-1-61069-422-3  Through reference entries and
                                          —Reference Reviews,   primary documents, this book surveys a wide range of topics
                                             December 7, 2016   related to the history of the Spanish Empire, including past events
            Julius Caesar’s life and example have fascinated and motivated   and individuals as well as the Iberian kingdom’s imperial legacy.
            generations of people for nearly 2,000 years. This book explores
            the people, places, events, and institutions that helped define   H. MICHEAL TARVER, PhD, is professor of history at Arkansas
            arguably the most famous individual in the history of Rome.  Tech University, Russellville, AR.
                                                               EMILY SLAPE, MA, is an independent historian and documentary
            MICHAEL LOVANO, PhD, is assistant professor of history at St.   editor.
            Norbert College, De Pere, WI.
                                                                 ALSO OF INTEREST

                                 Voices of Medieval            Check out more Empires of the World series titles on page 38.
                                 England, Scotland,
                                 Ireland, and Wales                                  The History of Cuba

                                 Contemporary                                        Second Edition
                                 Accounts of Daily Life                              CLIFFORD L. STATEN
                                                                                     A thorough examination of the
                                 LINDA E. MITCHELL, EDITOR
                                                                                     history of Cuba, focusing primarily
                                  “ These fascinating                                on the period from the revolution in
                                   documents are perfect
                                   for students of medieval                          1959 to the present day.
            GREENWOOD              history.                                          FEATURES
            September 2016, 263pp,       ”                                           •  Completely updates the original,
            8 1/2x11                    —Booklist, January 5, 2017                    top-selling volume with new
            Print: 978-1-61069-787-3                            GREENWOOD             information about issues, people,
            $79.00, £61.00, €72.00                              March 2015, 198pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
            eBook: 978-1-61069-788-0                            Print: 978-1-61069-841-2  and events post-2003
                                                                $58.00, £45.00, €53.00  •  Analyzes the political landscape
            This volume provides a selection of primary documents from   eBook: 978-1-61069-842-9  under Raul Castro’s leadership
            medieval England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, thereby enabling
            readers to directly access information about life long ago in the
            region.                                             CLIFFORD L. STATEN, PhD, is professor of political science and
                                                                international studies at Indiana University Southeast.
            LINDA E. MITCHELL is Martha Jane Phillips Starr/Missouri   ALSO OF INTEREST
            Distinguished Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies at
            University of Missouri-Kansas City.                 Check out more Histories of the Modern Nations series titles on
                                                                page 45.

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