Page 50 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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                NEW                               NEW                               NEW

              Encyclopedia of                   Arab-Israeli Conflict             Modern Conflict in the
              Cyber Warfare                     A Documentary and                 Greater Middle East

              PAUL J. SPRINGER, EDITOR          Reference Guide                   A Country-by-Country
                                                PRISCILLA ROBERTS                 Guide

                                                                                  SPENCER C. TUCKER, EDITOR

              July 2017, 379pp, 7x10            GREENWOOD
              Print: 978-1-4408-4424-9          April 2017, 350pp, 8 1/2x11
              $89.00, £69.00, €81.00                                              ABC-CLIO
              eBook: 978-1-4408-4425-6          Print: 978-1-4408-4390-7          April 2017, 420pp, 7x10
                                                $108.00, £84.00, €99.00
                                                eBook: 978-1-4408-4391-4          Print: 978-1-4408-4360-0
                                                                                  $94.00, £73.00, €86.00
              This definitive reference resource on                               eBook: 978-1-4408-4361-7
              cyber warfare covers all aspects of this   Covering the Arab-Israeli conflict from
              headline topic, providing historical   its origins to the present, this valuable   This reference work covers the history of
              context of cyber warfare and an   resource traces the evolution of this   Middle East nations, addressing military,
              examination its rapid development into   ongoing, seemingly unresolvable   political, diplomatic, and ideological
              a potent technological weapon of the   dispute through a wide array of primary   trends in each respective country and
              21st century.                     source documents.                 enabling readers to better understand

              FEATURES                          FEATURES                          the factors behind the crises shaping the
              •  Provides comprehensive coverage of   •  Allows a wide audience of readers—  Middle East today.
                the major individuals, organizations,   from high school and college students
                impacts, and issues related to cyber   to general readers—to understand   FEATURES
                warfare that enables readers to   the complex roots of the conflicting   •  Provides a detailed overview of
                better understanding of the impact of   claims to the territory of Palestine  Middle East conflicts since World War
                cyber warfare on modern conflicts                                   I in a single resource
                                                •  Places the Arab-Israeli conflict in
              •  Includes a detailed chronology that   the broader international context   •  Offers historical context for the level
                documents the evolution and use   of World Wars I and II and the Cold   of involvement in various wars by
                of cyber warfare over the past few   War, providing readers with an   Middle Eastern countries as well as
                decades                           appreciation of why so many outside   each country’s interaction with the
                                                  powers have taken an interest in the   West and other Middle East nations
                                                  battle over this territory      •  Includes “Did You Know?” sidebars
              PAUL J. SPRINGER is full professor of                                 with interesting details, statistics,
              comparative military studies and chair                                and other information related to the
              of the Department of Research and   PRISCILLA ROBERTS, PhD, is        countries covered in the book
              Publications at the Air Command and Staff   associate professor of history at the
              College, Maxwell Air Force Base, AL.  University of Hong Kong.
                                                                                  SPENCER C. TUCKER, PhD, is senior
                                                  ALSO OF INTEREST                fellow in military history for ABC-CLIO
                                                                                  and the author or editor of more than
                                                Check out more Documentary and    50 books and encyclopedias, many of
                                                Reference Guides series titles on page 62.  which have received major awards.

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