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                                   FORTHCOMING                                         FORTHCOMING

                                 D-Day                                               Weapons of Mass

                                 The Essential                                       Destruction
                                 Reference Guide                                     The Essential

                                 SPENCER C. TUCKER, EDITOR                           Reference Guide
                                 This outstanding overview of                        ERIC A. CRODDY, JAMES J. WIRTZ,
                                 D-Day makes clear its great                         AND JEFFREY A. LARSEN, EDITORS
                                 importance in military and                          Whether one is interested in
            ABC-CLIO             world history, identifies mistakes   ABC-CLIO       learning about anthrax, sarin,
            November 2017, 310pp, 7x10  committed on both sides, and   February 2018, 400pp, 7x10  the neutron bomb—or any other
            Print: 978-1-4408-4974-9  explains all aspects of the 1944   Print: 978-1-4408-5574-0  weapon of mass destruction—this
            $89.00, £69.00, €81.00  Allied invasion of France and   $94.00, £73.00, €86.00  thorough and detailed reference is
            eBook: 978-1-4408-4975-6                            eBook: 978-1-4408-5575-7
                                 the Normandy Campaign that                          the place to find answers.
                                 followed.                      FEATURES
            FEATURES                                            •  Offers straightforward narratives that place these threats
            •  Emphasizes the monumental significance of D-Day but also   into a practical framework
              stresses the extent of the operation, the mistakes committed
              on both sides, and why it and the Normandy Campaign that
              followed were ultimately successful               ERIC A. CRODDY is an analyst at United States Pacific Command.
                                                                JAMES J. WIRTZ, PhD, is professor and chair of the Department
                                                                of National Security Affairs, Naval Postgraduate School,
            SPENCER C. TUCKER, PhD, is senior fellow in military history for   Monterey, CA.
            ABC-CLIO and the author or editor of more than 50 books and   JEFFREY A. LARSEN, PhD, is a senior policy analyst with
            encyclopedias, many of which have received major awards.
                                                                Science Applications International Corporation.

                                   FORTHCOMING                                       Encyclopedia of

                                 World War II                                        African Colonial
                                 Propaganda                                          Conflicts
                                 Analyzing the Art                                   2 VOLUMES
                                 of Persuasion                                       TIMOTHY J. STAPLETON, EDITOR
                                 during Wartime                                       “ This compilation provides
                                 DAVID WELCH                                           a valuable assessment
                                                                                       of the times and is an
                                 Shows in illuminating detail how                      excellent and substantial
            ABC-CLIO             the Allied and Axis forces used                       source of information
            October 2017, 175pp, 7x10  visual images and other propaganda   ABC-CLIO   for anyone interested
            Print: 978-1-61069-673-9  material to sway public opinion   November 2016, 787pp, 7x10  in understanding
            $79.00, £61.00, €72.00  during World War II.       Print: 978-1-59884-836-6  African history. Highly
            eBook: 978-1-61069-674-6                           $189.00, £146.00, €172.00
                                                               eBook: 978-1-59884-837-3  recommended.
                                                                                              —Choice, July 1, 2017
            •  Gives the reader primary source examples of World War II
              propaganda, answering the need for the study of images that is   Two volumes introduce the history of colonial wars in Africa and
              necessary in today’s history study                illustrate why African countries like the Democratic Republic of
                                                                Congo, Nigeria, Somalia, and Sudan continue to experience ethnic,

            DAVID WELCH is professor of modern history and director of   political, and religious violence in the early 21st century.
            the Centre for the Study of War, Propaganda and Society at the
            University of Kent.                                 TIMOTHY J. STAPLETON is professor of history at the
                                                                University of Calgary.

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