Page 45 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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                                 Buildings and                                       Iconic Mexico
                                 Landmarks of                                        An Encyclopedia from
                                 Medieval Europe                                     Acapulco to Zócalo

                                 The Middle                                          2 VOLUMES | ERIC ZOLOV, EDITOR
                                 Ages Revealed                                        “ The articles, by a

                                 JAMES B. TSCHEN-EMMONS                                number of scholars, are
                                                                                       uniformly well written and
                                  “ The work should absorb                             are a good introduction
                                   the attention of armchair
                                   travelers and provides                              to Mexico’s culture and
            GREENWOOD              a good starting point                                     ”
            November 2016, 347pp, 8 1/2x11  for beginning students   ABC-CLIO              —Booklist, March 8, 2016
            Print: 978-1-4408-4181-1                            August 2015, 754pp, 7x10
            $105.00, £81.00, €96.00  to pursue research on      Print: 978-1-61069-043-0  Going far beyond basic historical
            eBook: 978-1-4408-4182-8  many fronts. Highly       $189.00, £146.00, €172.00  information, this two-volume
                                   recommended.                 eBook: 978-1-61069-044-7  work examines the deep roots of
                                         —Choice, April 3, 2017  Mexican culture and their meaning to modern Mexico.
            Through the use of images, diagrams, and detailed   FEATURES
            descriptions, this book enables readers to appreciate how the   •  Provides novel interpretations into well-established
            construction, design, and function of famous structures inform   elements of Mexican history, politics, and culture
            our understanding of societies of the past.

                                                                ERIC ZOLOV, PhD, is associate professor of Latin American
            JAMES B. TSCHEN-EMMONS teaches history at North Idaho   history at Stony Brook University, NY.
            College and mythology at Northern Virginia Community College’s
            Extended Learning Institute.
                                                                                     The Enlightenment
                                 Foods That                                          History, Documents,
                                 Changed History                                     and Key Questions
                                 How Foods Shaped                                    WILLIAM E. BURNS
                                 Civilization from                                   Based on the most recent
                                 the Ancient World                                   scholarship, this book provides
                                 to the Present                                      students and interested lay
                                                                                     readers with a basic introduction
                                 CHRISTOPHER CUMO
                                                                                     to key facts and current
                                  “ clear, engaging style with   ABC-CLIO            controversies concerning the
                                    The text is written in a
            ABC-CLIO               interesting yet relevant     November 2015, 200pp,    Enlightenment.
                                                                6 1/8x9 1/4
            June 2015, 451pp, 7x10  anecdotes. . . .            Print: 978-1-61069-845-0  FEATURES
            Print: 978-1-4408-3536-0  Recommended. All          $63.00, £49.00, €58.00
            $100.00, £77.00, €91.00  readership levels.         eBook: 978-1-61069-846-7  •  Provides the Enlightenment in
            eBook: 978-1-4408-3537-7              ”                                    various formats, thereby enabling
                                          —Choice, April 1, 2016  students to better understand and fully appreciate its causes
                                                                 and effects
            Serving students and general readers alike, this encyclopedia
            addresses the myriad and profound ways foods have shaped the   WILLIAM E. BURNS is a history teacher in the Washington, DC,
            world we inhabit, from prehistory to the present.   area. He is the author of ABC-CLIO’s The Scientific Revolution:
                                                                An Encyclopedia and Science in the Enlightenment: An
            CHRISTOPHER CUMO, PhD, is the author of three books, three
            encyclopedias, and some 500 articles, essays, reviews, and short   ALSO OF INTEREST
            stories, all in print.
                                                                Check out more Crossroads in World History series titles on page 42.

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