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              GREENWOOD SERIES
              The Greenwood Histories of the Modern Nations

              Every school and public library should update its resources with these   EA CH V OL UME PRO VIDES
              engagingly written and succinct narrative histories of the world’s nations   •  Chronological narrative history
              covering prehistoric times through today. Based on the most recent
              scholarship, each history provides a chronological narrative examining the   •  Timeline of events
              political, cultural, philosophical, and religious continuities in the featured   •  Biographical sketches of key figures
              nation’s long, rich history in an exploration of how its people came to be who   •  Glossary and bibliographic essay
              they are today.

              The History of Turkey             The History of Egypt                NEW

              Second Edition                    Second Edition
              DOUGLAS A. HOWARD                 GLENN E. PERRY                    The History of

                                                                                  Second Edition
                                                                                  MEREDITH L. RUNION

              GREENWOOD                         GREENWOOD
              March 2016, 283pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4    December 2015, 240pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
              Print: 978-1-4408-3466-0          Print: 978-1-61069-913-6
              $63.00, £49.00, €58.00            $63.00, £49.00, €58.00
              eBook: 978-1-4408-3467-7          eBook: 978-1-61069-914-3          GREENWOOD
                                                                                  April 2017, 263pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
                                                                                  Print: 978-1-61069-777-4
              A comprehensive overview of the   Providing a valuable resource for   $58.00, £45.00, €53.00
              history of Turkey ranging from the   readers seeking information on all   eBook: 978-1-61069-778-1
              earliest Neolithic civilizations, to the   periods of Egyptian history, this book
              establishment of the Republic in 1923,   covers Egypt starting from ancient times   This chronological account traces
              to the present-day tenure of President   and continuing through the medieval   the history of Afghanistan from pre-
              Erdoğan.                          Islamic period to focus on the events of   civilization to present-day events and
                                                the last 100 years, including the aborted
              FEATURES                                                            considers the future of democracy in
                                                revolution of 2011.               Afghanistan.
              •  Covers the history of Turkey since
                antiquity                       FEATURES                          FEATURES
              •  Emphasizes the evolution of the   •  Provides a clear, concise account   •  Includes an additional chapter on the
                modern Turkish democracy in the last   of the entire course of Egyptian   events of the past 10 years, covering
                100 years                         history that is ideal for a variety of   modern Afghanistan and its people
                                                  nonspecialist readers—high school
                                                  and college students in particular
              DOUGLAS A. HOWARD, PhD, is
              professor of history at Calvin College                              MEREDITH L. RUNION is a program
              and director of a regular study-abroad   GLENN E. PERRY, PhD, is professor   manager for the Department of
              program in Turkey.                emeritus of political science at Indiana   Defense. Her published works include
                                                State University.                 Greenwood’s History of Afghanistan,
                                                                                  First Edition.
                                             ORDER THROUGH YOUR DISTRIBUTOR OR AT ABC-CLIO.COM  /  800-368-6868    45
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