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                                   NEW                                               Modern Sport Ethics

                                 Human Trafficking                                   A Reference Handbook
                                                                                     Second Edition
                                 A Reference Handbook                                ANGELA LUMPKIN
                                 ALEXIS A. ARONOWITZ
                                                                                     The descriptions and examples
                                 Offering an up-to-date and                          of unethical behaviors in sport
                                 comprehensive resource for                          in this book will challenge
                                 students and general readers                        readers to rethink how they view
                                 investigating human trafficking,                    sport and question whether
            ABC-CLIO             this book examines the         ABC-CLIO             participating in sport builds
            February 2017, 406pp, 6x9  phenomenon in its many forms,   December 2016, 396pp, 6x9  character—especially at the
            Print: 978-1-4408-3484-4  the factors contributing to its   Print: 978-1-4408-5115-5  youth and amateur levels.
            $60.00, £47.00, €55.00  existence, the victims it affects,   $60.00, £47.00, €55.00
            eBook: 978-1-4408-3485-1                            eBook: 978-1-4408-5116-2  FEATURES
                                 and those who perpetrate this
                                 horrific crime.                                     •  Describes and analyzes
                                                                                       key ethical issues, such as
                                                                 cheating, fair play, violence, discriminatory actions, and the use
                                                                 of performance-enhancing drugs, in a single volume
            •  Enables a greater appreciation for the social, economic,
              cultural, and environmental factors that contribute to
              human trafficking and suggests how these crimes should be   ANGELA LUMPKIN, PhD, is professor and chair in the
              addressed                                         Department of Kinesiology and Sport Management, Texas Tech
                                                                University, Lubbock, TX.

            ALEXIS A. ARONOWITZ, PhD, is senior lecturer in criminology
            at University College Utrecht and Leiden University College The          Illegal Immigration
            Hague, the Netherlands.
                                                                                     A Reference Handbook

                                 Cyber Warfare                                       Second Edition
                                                                                     MICHAEL C. LEMAY
                                 A Reference Handbook                                A valuable resource for high

                                 PAUL J. SPRINGER                                    school, college, and general
                                  “ A valuable addition to                           readers, this book provides an
                                                                                     up-to-date, comprehensive
                                   the reference collection
                                   of academic libraries,                            examination of illegal
                                   especially those with        ABC-CLIO             immigration in America,
                                   a military history           September 2015, 382pp, 6x9  addressing its complex history,
                                   program.                     Print: 978-1-4408-4012-8  comparing its occurrence today
                                                                                     with the past, and explaining why
            ABC-CLIO                         —Library Journal,    $60.00, £47.00, €55.00  a solution is so difficult to enact.
                                                                eBook: 978-1-4408-4013-5
            February 2015, 340pp, 6x9           May 15, 2015
            Print: 978-1-61069-443-8                            FEATURES
            $58.00, £45.00, €53.00  This timely handbook traces   •  Discusses in detail all of the proposed solutions to the illegal
            eBook: 978-1-61069-444-5  the development of cyber   immigration problem in the United States
                                 capabilities from their roots in
            information warfare and cryptology to their potential military
            application in combat.                              MICHAEL C. LEMAY, PhD, is professor emeritus of political science
                                                                at California State University-San Bernardino, where he chaired the
                                                                department of political science.
            PAUL J. SPRINGER, PhD, is associate professor of comparative
            military studies at the Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell
            Air Force Base.

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