Page 77 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 77


                                 Solar Energy                                        Cloning
                                 A Reference Handbook                                A Reference Handbook

                                 DAVID E. NEWTON                                     DAVID E. NEWTON
                                                                                       The book stands out for
                                  “ This concise, single-                             “ the excellent resources
                                   volume resource would
                                   be a good addition to high                          assembled, both print
                                   school and undergraduate                            and electronic. . . . Highly
                                   libraries or public                                 recommended. All
                                   libraries where readers                             readership levels.
            ABC-CLIO               may be interested in the     ABC-CLIO                     —Choice, April 1, 2016
            October 2015, 326pp, 6x9  constantly developing     August 2015, 326pp, 6x9
            Print: 978-1-61069-695-1  topic of solar power.     Print: 978-1-61069-693-7  This book provides a detailed
            $60.00, £47.00, €55.00                  ”           $60.00, £47.00, €55.00  introduction to the cloning of
            eBook: 978-1-61069-696-8      —Booklist, March 9, 2016  eBook: 978-1-61069-694-4  both plants and animals and
                                                                                     discusses the important social,
            This book provides an outstanding single-volume resource   ethical, political, technical, and other issues related to the
            on the topic of solar energy for young adults and general   practice.
                                                                DAVID E. NEWTON, EdD, has been a freelance writer of
            DAVID E. NEWTON, EdD, has been a freelance writer of   nonfiction books and ancillary materials for young adults for
            nonfiction books and ancillary materials for young adults for   nearly 55 years.
            nearly 55 years.

                                                                                     GMO Food
                                 Fracking                                            A Reference Handbook

                                 A Reference Handbook
                                                                                     DAVID E. NEWTON
                                 DAVID E. NEWTON                                      “ A well-researched and
                                  “ This is a strong and                               balanced reference that
                                                                                       provides the reader with
                                   timely choice for an
                                   undergraduate or                                    an invaluable, expertly
                                   public library reference                            compiled resource
                                   collection. . . . [I]t will work                    impartially documenting
                                   well as a lower-level        ABC-CLIO               the controversial topic
                                   introduction to the topic.                          of genetically modified
            ABC-CLIO                                            October 2014, 336pp, 6x9  foods. . . . This valuable
            January 2015, 340pp, 6x9  Recommended.              Print: 978-1-61069-685-2
            Print: 978-1-61069-691-3      —Choice, July 23, 2015  $58.00, £45.00, €53.00  reference is recommended
            $58.00, £45.00, €53.00                              eBook: 978-1-61069-686-9  for high school, academic,
            eBook: 978-1-61069-692-0                                                   and public libraries.
            The use of fracking is a tremendously important technology                    —Booklist, January 1, 2015
            for the recovery of oil and gas, but the advantages and costs of   Providing an exhaustive background on the history of
            fracking remain controversial. This book examines the issues   genetically modified organism (GMO) crops and foods as well
            and social, economic, political, and legal aspects of fracking in   as the controversies surrounding these products, this book
            the United States.
                                                                allows readers to develop their own particular viewpoint on the
                                                                production and use of GMO substances.
            DAVID E. NEWTON, EdD, has been a freelance writer of
            nonfiction books and ancillary materials for young adults for
            nearly 55 years.                                    DAVID E. NEWTON has been a freelance writer of non-fiction
                                                                books and ancillary materials for young adults for nearly 55

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