Page 103 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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                                 From Anesthesia                                     The Brain, the
                                 to X-Rays                                           Nervous System,

                                 Innovations and                                     and Their Diseases
                                 Discoveries That                                    3 VOLUMES | JENNIFER L. HELLIER,
                                 Changed Medicine                                    EDITOR
                                 Forever                                             This comprehensive encyclopedia
                                                                                     provides a thorough overview
                                 CHRISTIANE NOCKELS FABBRI
                                                                                     of the human brain and nervous
                                  “ This book—brimming with                          system—the body’s “CPU and
                                   well-placed images and
            GREENWOOD              clearly edited selections                         data network.” It covers basic
            November 2016, 246pp,    of primary sources—will    GREENWOOD            anatomy and function, diseases
            6 1/8x9 1/4            certainly inspire readers    December 2014, 1,260pp, 7x10  and disorders, treatment
            Print: 978-1-61069-573-2                            Print: 978-1-61069-337-0  options, wellness concepts, and
            $58.00, £45.00, €53.00  to pursue these topics in   $294.00, £227.00, €268.00  key individuals in the fields of
            eBook: 978-1-61069-574-9  greater depth.            eBook: 978-1-61069-338-7  neurology and neuroscience.
                                        —Naomi Rogers, Director of   FEATURES
                                  Graduate Studies at Yale University,
                                              February 20, 2017  •  Aligns with the Society for Neuroscience national standards
                                                                 and the U.S. National Science Education Standards for high
            Easy to read and to use, this A-to-Z mini-encyclopedia covers the   school brain awareness curricula
            most important medical innovations of the last 200 years.
                                                                JENNIFER L. HELLIER, PhD, is assistant professor in the
            CHRISTIANE NOCKELS FABBRI, PhD, a native of Luxembourg,   Departments of Family Medicine and Cell & Developmental
            has practiced clinical medicine since 1984, most recently at Yale   Biology at the University of Colorado-Anschutz Medical Campus,
            Health in New Haven, CT.                            Aurora, CO.

                                 The A–Z of                                          of Diet Fads
                                 Death and Dying                                     Understanding
                                 Social, Medical, and                                Science and Society
                                 Cultural Aspects
                                                                                     Second Edition
                                 MICHAEL BRENNAN, EDITOR                             MARJOLIJN BIJLEFELD AND
                                                                                     SHARON K. ZOUMBARIS
                                  “ Easy to read and                                  “ References like this one
                                   understand. . . . It will
                                   be a good purchase                                  may help to distinguish
                                   for academic and             GREENWOOD              among the plethora
            GREENWOOD              public libraries.            November 2014, 296pp,    of diet cults that have
            February 2014, 442pp, 7x10  Recommended.            6 1/8x9 1/4            sprung up in the past
            Print: 978-1-4408-0343-7            ”               Print: 978-1-61069-759-0  couple of centuries. . . .
            $89.00, £69.00, €81.00      —Choice, November 6, 2014  $58.00, £45.00, €53.00  Recommended.
            eBook: 978-1-4408-0344-4                            eBook: 978-1-61069-760-6            ”
                                                                                             —Reference Reviews,
            This engaging and informative resource provides readers with an                     September 3, 2015
            understanding of the social, cultural, and historical influences that   This updated encyclopedia examines the basics of nutrition and
            shape our encounters with death, dying, and bereavement—a   dieting, presenting the important people, concepts, and criticisms
            universal experience across humanity.
                                                                involved and examining the pros and cons of different plans.
            MICHAEL BRENNAN, PhD, is associate professor of sociology   MARJOLIJN BIJLEFELD is a reporter and editor in
            and director of the Center for Death Education and Bioethics at   Fredericksburg, VA.
            the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.
                                                                SHARON K. ZOUMBARIS is a professional librarian and
                                                                freelance writer/editor.

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