Page 111 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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                                 Miracles                                            The Rise of
                                 An Encyclopedia of                                  Christianity
                                 People, Places, and                                 History, Documents,
                                 Supernatural Events                                 and Key Questions
                                 from Antiquity to
                                 the Present                                         KEVIN W. KAATZ
                                                                                     An outstanding resource for
                                 PATRICK J. HAYES, EDITOR
                                                                                     high school readers and first-
                                   > AWARD WINNER                                    year college students, this book
                                 2017 Outstanding Reference                          explores early Christianity from
            ABC-CLIO                                            ABC-CLIO             its beginnings in the first century
            January 2016, 478pp, 7x10  Source –RUSA             December 2015        through the fourth century
            Print: 978-1-61069-598-5  Outstanding Academic Title, 2016   212pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
            $89.00, £69.00, €81.00  –Choice                     Print: 978-1-61069-807-8  when Christianity went from
            eBook: 978-1-61069-599-2                            $63.00, £49.00, €58.00  a persecuted faith to the only
                                  “ recommended. ”              eBook: 978-1-61069-808-5  legalized faith in the Roman
                                    [A] key resource. . . . Highly
                                       —Choice, September 1, 2016    FEATURES
            This encyclopedia provides a unique resource on the   •  Supports NCHS World History content standards for Era 3,
            philosophical, historical, religious, and cross-cultural conceptions   Standard 3B
            of miracles that cut across denominational lines.
                                                                KEVIN W. KAATZ is assistant professor in the Department of History
                                                                at California State University, East Bay Campus, Hayward, CA.
            PATRICK J. HAYES, PhD, is the archivist for the Redemptorists
            of the Baltimore Province and editor of the online journal,
            Redemptorist North American History Bulletin.
                                                                                     Muhammad in
                                                                                     History, Thought,
                                 Jesus in History,                                   and Culture
                                 Legend, Scripture,                                  An Encyclopedia of
                                 and Tradition                                       the Prophet of God

                                 A World Encyclopedia                                2 VOLUMES | COELI FITZPATRICK
                                                                                     AND ADAM HANI WALKER, EDITORS
                                 2 VOLUMES | LESLIE HOULDEN,
                                 GENERAL EDITOR                                       “ Although there are many
                                 ANTONE MINARD, EDITOR                                 great works on Islam,
                                  “ In retaining much of        ABC-CLIO               this is the only one that
                                                                                       concentrates particularly
                                                                April 2014, 784pp, 7x10
                                   the original content, the
                                   revised edition stands on    Print: 978-1-61069-177-2  on the prophet and his
            ABC-CLIO               a firm foundation. The       $189.00, £146.00, €172.00  influence.
            June 2015, 695pp, 7x10  new content may broaden     eBook: 978-1-61069-178-9
            Print: 978-1-61069-803-0                                                   —Library Journal, October 1, 2014
            $189.00, £146.00, €172.00  the work’s appeal.
            eBook: 978-1-61069-804-7  Recommended. ”            This in-depth examination of the life, history, and influence of
                                                                Muhammad as discussed by leading scholars provides a wide-
                                    —Booklist, November 10, 2015
                                                                ranging look at the prophet’s legacy unlike any other in the field of
            This multifaceted work contextualizes Jesus in religion and   Islamic and culture studies.
            culture by bringing together articles on folklore, history,
            literature, philosophy, popular culture, and theology.  COELI FITZPATRICK is associate professor of philosophy in the
                                                                Frederik Meijer Honors College at Grand Valley State University
                                                                in Allendale, MI.
            LESLIE HOULDEN is an Anglican priest and a retired professor
            of the University of London.                        ADAM HANI WALKER is pursuing his doctorate in Islamic
                                                                history and completed his undergraduate studies in Arabic
            ANTONE MINARD, PhD, is lecturer in the Department of Humanities   (University of Leeds).
            at Simon Fraser University at the University of British Columbia.

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