Page 115 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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              Ethnic American                   Literature and                    American Poets
              Literature                        Politics Today                    and Poetry

              An Encyclopedia                   The Political Nature of           From the Colonial Era
              for Students                      Modern Fiction, Poetry,           to the Present
                                                and Drama
              EMMANUEL S. NELSON, EDITOR                                          2 VOLUMES | JEFFREY GRAY,
                                                                                  MARY MCALEER BALKUN,
                                                M. KEITH BOOKER, EDITOR
                                                                                  AND JAMES MCCORKLE, EDITORS

              February 2015, 570pp, 7x10        GREENWOOD
              Print: 978-1-61069-880-1          March 2015, 377pp, 7x10
              $100.00, £77.00, €91.00           Print: 978-1-61069-935-8          GREENWOOD
              eBook: 978-1-61069-881-8          $89.00, £69.00, €81.00            March 2015, 723pp, 7x10
                                                eBook: 978-1-61069-936-5          Print: 978-1-61069-831-3
                                                                                  $189.00, £146.00, €172.00
               “ to a broadening of the American                                  eBook: 978-1-61069-832-0
                 [T]he encyclopedia contributes
                                                  A chief contribution of this
                canon to serve as a resource for   “ worthwhile guide is its inclusion   The ethnically diverse scope, broad
                teachers and students alike. . . .   of lesser-known subjects. . . .    chronological coverage, and mix of
                             ”                                      ”             biographical, critical, historical, political,
                Recommended.                      Highly recommended.
                         —Choice, October 1, 2015         —Choice, February 3, 2016  and cultural entries make this the most
                                                                                  useful and exciting poetry reference of
              Unlike any other book of its kind, this   Focusing on the intersection of literature
              volume celebrates published works from   and politics since the beginning of   its kind for students today.
              a broad range of American ethnic groups   the 20th century, this book examines   FEATURES
              not often featured in the typical canon   authors, historical figures, major literary   •  Covers American poetry from the
              of literature.                    and political works, national literatures,   Colonial era to the present in roughly
                                                                                    300 alphabetically arranged entries
              FEATURES                          and literary movements to reveal the   •  Features key contemporary poets,
              •  Highlights the most important   intrinsic links between literature and   including those appearing in current
                print and electronic resources on   history.                        journals
                multicultural literature through a
                detailed bibliography           FEATURES
                                                •  Covers numerous authors from
              •  Features entries from 50 contributors,                           JEFFREY GRAY, PhD, is professor of
                all of whom are experts in their fields  around the world ranging from the   English at Seton Hall University, South
                                                  beginning of the 20th century to the   Orange, NJ.
              •  Includes cultural works not often   modern era
                highlighted in traditional textbooks,                             MARY MCALEER BALKUN, PhD, is
                such as Iranian American literature,                              professor of English and chairperson
                Dominican American literature, and   M. KEITH BOOKER is professor   of the English department at Seton Hall
                Puerto Rican American literature  of English and director of the   University, South Orange, NJ.
                                                Comparative Literature and Cultural   JAMES MCCORKLE, PhD, teaches in the
                                                Studies program at the University of   Africana Studies Program at Hobart and
              EMMANUEL S. NELSON is professor   Arkansas.                         William Smith Colleges in Geneva, NY.
              of English at the State University of
              New York campus at Cortland.

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