Page 116 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 116


                                                 Climate Change

                                                 An Encyclopedia of Science,
                                                 Society, and Solutions

                                                 3 VOLUMES | BRUCE E. JOHANSEN
                                                 How are the behaviors of birds, butterflies, and other migratory animals connected
                                                 to climate change? What does the term “thermal inertia” mean, and what does this
                                                 geophysical effect have on predicting what the planet’s future will be like? What is the
                                                 context for the effects we are seeing on various forms of animal life, from migrating
                                                 birds to polar bears to mosquitoes that transmit Zika and other diseases?
            September 2017, 1,101pp, 7x10        FEATURES
            Print: 978-1-4408-4085-2             •  Provides readers with a clearly written description of global-warming science and
            $309.00, £238.00, €281.00              its role in shaping a body of knowledge regarding a worldwide issue that affects
            eBook: 978-1-4408-4086-9               everyone
                                                 •  Suggests remedies for this serious problem, most notably a rapid rise in the
            BRUCE E. JOHANSEN is Frederick         implementation of wind power generation and a coming revolution in solar energy
            W. Kayser Research Professor of      •  Impresses on readers that what Americans and the citizens and governments of
            Communication and Native American      other nations around the globe do over the next decades will determine the future
            Studies at University of Nebraska at   of this planet for many tens of thousands of years to come

                                                 Tweeting to Freedom

                                                 An Encyclopedia of Citizen Protests
                                                 and Uprisings around the World

                                                 JIM WILLIS AND ANTHONY R. FELLOW

                                                 The innovators who created social media might never have imagined the possibility:
                                                 that activists living in countries where oppressive conditions are the norm would use
                                                 social media to call for changes to bring greater freedom, opportunity, and justice
                                                 to the masses. The attributes of social media that make it so powerful for casual
            ABC-CLIO                             socializing—the ability to connect with nearly limitless numbers of like-minded
            June 2017, 367pp, 7x10
            Print: 978-1-4408-4004-3             individuals instantaneously—enables political activists to recruit, communicate, and
            $89.00, £69.00, €81.00               organize like never before.
            eBook: 978-1-4408-4005-0
            JIM WILLIS, PhD, is professor of     •  Provides an interdisciplinary exploration of how the Internet and social media can be
            journalism at Azusa Pacific University as   used to spotlight oppression and bring about needed change
            well as a writer and freelance journalist.  •  Explains how some governments are working to block access to unauthorized
            ANTHONY R. FELLOW, PhD, is            Internet sites to stop activists’ efforts
            professor of journalism and chair of   •  Presents profiles of some of the leading activists around the world and their use of
            the Department of Communications at   the media to get their messages out
            California State University at Fullerton.
                                                 •  Offers material useful for students studying geography, world cultures, social studies,
                                                  journalism, sociology, or political science

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