Page 119 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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                FORTHCOMING                       FORTHCOMING                     Natural Resource

              Geography of                      The Himalayas                     Conflicts
              Trafficking                       An Encyclopedia of                From Blood Diamonds to

              From Drug Smuggling               Geography, History,               Rainforest Destruction
              to Modern-Day Slavery             and Culture                       2 VOLUMES
                                                                                  M. TROY BURNETT, EDITOR
              FRED M. SHELLEY                   ANDREW J. HUND
              AND REAGAN METZ                   AND JAMES A. WREN, EDITORS

              ABC-CLIO                          ABC-CLIO                          September 2016, 911pp, 7x10
              October 2017, 426pp, 7x10         March 2018, 414pp, 7x10           Print: 978-1-61069-464-3
              Print: 978-1-4408-3822-4          Print: 978-1-4408-3938-2          $189.00, £146.00, €172.00
              $89.00, £69.00, €81.00            $94.00, £73.00, €86.00            eBook: 978-1-61069-465-0
              eBook: 978-1-4408-3823-1          eBook: 978-1-4408-3939-9
                                                                                   “ This is a good introduction to
              This important reference work examines   A thorough and detailed resource that   many of the resource conflicts
              trafficking from a geographic perspective   describes the history, culture, and   that are likely to increase. ”
              and investigates the driving forces   geography of the Himalayan region,
              behind it and the powers that are trying   providing an indispensable reference       —Booklist, January 5, 2017
              to curtail the problem.           work to both general readers and   Natural resource and environmental
                                                seasoned scholars in the field.   conflicts have long been issues
              FEATURES                                                            confronting human societies. This
              •  Provides a comprehensive look at the   FEATURES
                geography of trafficking as a whole   •  Presents invaluable insights into   case-based examination of a wide range
                that highlights how different kinds of   the dynamics that have shaped the   of natural resource disputes exposes
                trafficking are often related     Himalayan region over human history  readers to many contemporary examples
              •  Includes an appendix of primary   •  Provides a context for understanding   that offer reasons for both hope and
                documents that includes excerpts   the importance of the region to a   concern.
                from anti-trafficking acts and policies,   larger understanding of globalization   FEATURES
                declarations, human rights campaigns,   and key related issues we must
                and other important sources, each   currently deal with, including but not   •  Provides a “case-based” approach
                with an introduction              limited to climate change, border   to natural resource conflicts with
                                                  disputes, and economic and political   examples of different scales, including
                                                                                    timely cases drawn from the
              FRED M. SHELLEY is professor                                          developed and developing world
              of geography and environmental
              sustainability at the University of   ANDREW J. HUND, PhD, was
              Oklahoma.                         professor of sociology at the United   M. TROY BURNETT, PhD, is associate
              REAGAN METZ is majoring in        Arab Emirates University.         professor of geography and earth
                                                                                  sciences at Mount Royal University in
              environmental sustainability at the   JAMES A. WREN, PhD, retired as   Calgary, Alberta.
              University of Oklahoma.           professor of Asian and comparative
                                                literature from San Jose State

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