Page 117 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 117


                NEW                               FORTHCOMING                     Water Planet

              The Nile                          The World’s Oceans                The Culture, Politics,
                                                                                  Economics, and
              An Encyclopedia of                Geography, History,
              Geography, History,               and Environment                   Sustainability of
              and Culture                       RAINER F. BUSCHMANN               Water on Earth
                                                AND LANCE NOLDE                   CAMILLE GASKIN-REYES, EDITOR
              JOHN A. SHOUP

                                                ABC-CLIO                          ABC-CLIO
              ABC-CLIO                          February 2018, 400pp, 7x10        October 2016, 450pp, 7x10
              May 2017, 420pp, 7x10             Print: 978-1-4408-4351-8          Print: 978-1-4408-3816-3
              Print: 978-1-4408-4040-1          $94.00, £73.00, €86.00            $89.00, £69.00, €81.00
              $89.00, £69.00, €81.00            eBook: 978-1-4408-4352-5          eBook: 978-1-4408-3817-0
              eBook: 978-1-4408-4041-8
                                                This single-volume resource explores   Readers will come away with
              This book provides an avenue for   the five major oceans of the world,   “
              students to explore the Nile—the   addressing current issues such as sea   a much deeper understanding
              world’s longest river—and better   rise and climate change and explaining   of the topic. A comprehensive
              understand its larger role in society in   the significance of the oceans from   resource for those thirsting for
                                                                                    information on water, politics,
              the past, present, and future.    historical, geographic, and cultural   science, environment, and
              FEATURES                          perspectives.                       culture. ”
              •  Presents primary documents that   FEATURES                            —Library Journal, January 11, 2017
                allow students to delve deeper into   •  Introduces readers to the five major
                the past and more recent political   oceans of the world and provides   Through case studies, opposing
                history of the Nile and serve librarians   ready-reference entries relating to   viewpoints, and primary documents,
                and teachers in their support of   geography, the environment, science,   this reference work examines the
                curricula standards
                                                  history, and culture            environmental and sustainability issues
              •  Combines historical, cultural, and   •  Presents introductions and opposing   regarding water as well as how water is
                geographical perspectives on the Nile   scholarly opinion essays on critical   an intrinsic part of human culture.
                River—in the long-ago past through to   issues relating to the earth’s oceans,
                modern day—into one comprehensive   such as “Will the benefits of Arctic   FEATURES
                reference work
                                                  meltdown outweigh the adverse   •  Presents a variety of resources and
              •  Contains additional features, such   effects?” and “How can we clean up   multidisciplinary perspectives on
                an appendix of place names and a   the Pacific Garbage Patch?”      water in a single book
                glossary of terms, that provide ready-                            •  Documents how some practical
                reference material                                                  necessities regarding our global
                                                RAINER F. BUSCHMANN is professor    water problems are in conflict with
                                                and founding faculty member in the
              JOHN A. SHOUP is associate        history program at the California State   established cultural tradition and values
              professor of anthropology at Al   University Channel Islands.
              Akhawayn University in Ifrane,                                      CAMILLE GASKIN-REYES, PhD, is
              Morocco.                          LANCE NOLDE is assistant professor
                                                in the history program at California   adjunct professor of Latin American
                                                State University, Los Angeles.    studies at Georgetown University.

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