Page 122 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 122


            ABC-CLIO SERIES
            Mapping the World through Primary Documents

                                                Explorers of the                  Explorers of the
                                                Maritime Pacific                  American West

                                                Northwest                         Mapping the World through
                                                Mapping the World through         Primary Documents
                                                Primary Documents                 JAY H. BUCKLEY
                                                                                  AND JEFFERY D. NOKES
                                                WILLIAM L. LANG
                                                AND JAMES V. WALKER

            Mapping the World through Primary
            Documents provides students with
            firsthand accounts and interpretations
            of geography of the past: the land over
            which explorers trekked, the people they                              ABC-CLIO
            met and cultures to which they were                                   March 2016, 321pp, 8 1/2x11
            exposed, the animals they discovered, and   ABC-CLIO                  Print: 978-1-61069-731-6
            their other experiences in new lands. This   May 2016, 301pp, 8 1/2x11  $100.00, £77.00, €91.00
            series supports Common Core Standards   Print: 978-1-61069-925-9      eBook: 978-1-61069-732-3
                                                $108.00, £84.00, €99.00
            relating to primary source analysis as well   eBook: 978-1-61069-926-6
            as National Geography Standards. Students                              “ This collection of written
            in geography, American history, and social                              documentation and analysis
            studies classes will find the series extremely   “ This book fills a void in the   will be extremely useful for
            useful.                               literature. . . . Recommended. ”     scholars, researchers, and
                                                           —Choice, January 4, 2017  historians seeking primary
                                                                                    source information on United
                                                Covering the adventures of coastal   States westward exploration.
                                                and ocean explorers who made key    Highly recommended. ”
                                                discoveries and landmark observations        —ARBA, August 31, 2016
                                                from northern California up the
                                                coastline to Alaska during the mid-1700s   With original primary source
                                                to the early 1800s, this anthology of   documents, this anthology brings
                                                primary source journal entries, book   readers into the vast unknown 19th-
                                                excerpts, maps, and drawings enables   century American West—through the
                                                readers to “discover” the Northwest   eyes of the explorers who saw it for the
                                                Coast for themselves.             first time.

                                                WILLIAM L. LANG is professor      JAY H. BUCKLEY, PhD, is associate
                                                emeritus of history at Portland State   professor of history at Brigham Young
                                                University and founding editor of The   University, Provo, UT.
                                                Oregon Encyclopedia.              JEFFERY D. NOKES, PhD, is associate
                                                JAMES V. WALKER is a retired      professor of history at Brigham Young
                                                physician and map collector living in   University, Provo, UT.
                                                Eugene, OR.
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