Page 127 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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                FORTHCOMING                     At the Table                      Interpreting Our World

              The Kurds                         Food and Family                   100 Discoveries That
                                                around the World                  Revolutionized Geography
              An Encyclopedia of Life,
              Culture, and Society              KEN ALBALA, EDITOR                JOSEPH J. KERSKI


                                                GREENWOOD                         ABC-CLIO
                                                April 2016, 342pp, 7x10           October 2016, 386pp, 7x10
              ABC-CLIO                          Print: 978-1-61069-737-8          Print: 978-1-61069-919-8
              February 2018, 394pp, 7x10        $89.00, £69.00, €81.00            $89.00, £69.00, €81.00
              Print: 978-1-4408-4256-6          eBook: 978-1-61069-738-5          eBook: 978-1-61069-920-4
              $89.00, £69.00, €81.00
              eBook: 978-1-4408-4257-3
                                                  > AWARD WINNER                   “ Highly recommended. High

              This indispensable resource for Western   Gourmand Award Winer in the Food   school, community college,
                                                                                    and undergraduate students;
              readers about the Kurds—an ancient   & Family Category–Gourmand World   general readers; professionals/
              indigenous group that exemplifies   Cookbook Awards                   practitioners. ”
              diversity in the Middle East—examines   “ This tasty roundup of global
              their history, politics, economics, and   meal rituals (including recipes!)       —Choice, April 3, 2017
                                                                         ”        geography matters in the modern-day
              social structure.                   will be a welcome addition.     This important book demonstrates why
              FEATURES                                —Library Journal, August 1, 2016  world through its examination of 100
              •  Supplies a thorough examination of                               moments throughout history that had
                the Kurds, a people that are of great   What’s for dinner? Not just in America,   a significant impact on the study of
                interest and relevance to the general   but around the world? And how is it
                public because of their successful   cooked, what’s the historical significance   geography—literally, “writing about the
                campaign against the Islamic State  of that food, how is it served and   earth.
              •  Offers a local, regional, and global   consumed, and who gets to clean up?   FEATURES
                perspective on important current   This book provides fascinating insight   •  Provides readers with an
                Middle Eastern issues through the   into how dinner is defined in countries   understanding of why geography
                context of the Kurdish people   around the world.                   matters to our 21st-century world
              •  Underscores how the Kurds stand   FEATURES                         and an awareness of how geography
                for diversity and pluralism in an                                   affects our everyday lives and is key to
                otherwise homogeneous Middle East  •  Compares cooking methods, gender   wise decision making
                                                  roles regarding food and meals, and
              •  Enables readers to develop a     the places of children or extended
                much better understanding of U.S.   relatives at meal time        JOSEPH J. KERSKI, PhD, is a
                involvement in the Middle East                                    geographer who teaches online and
                                                                                  face-to-face courses at primary and
                                                KEN ALBALA is professor of history   secondary schools, through massive
              SEBASTIAN MAISEL, PhD, is         and director of food studies at the
              associate professor of Arabic and   University of the Pacific.      open online courses (MOOCs) as well
              Middle East studies at Grand Valley                                 as via universities such as Sinte Gleska
              State University, Allendale, MI.                                    University, Elmhurst College, and the
                                                                                  University of Denver.

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