Page 132 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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                NEW                               NEW                               FORTHCOMING

              Women’s Rights                    Freedom of Speech                 The Bizarre World

              Reflections in                    Reflections in Art and            of Reality Television
              Popular Culture                   Popular Culture                   STUART LENIG

              ANN M. SAVAGE, EDITOR             PATRICIA L. DOOLEY

              GREENWOOD                         GREENWOOD                         October 2017, 334pp, 7x10
              June 2017, 192pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4     April 2017, 166pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4    Print: 978-1-4408-3854-5
              Print: 978-1-4408-3942-9          Print: 978-1-4408-4339-6          $89.00, £69.00, €81.00
              $37.00, £29.00, €34.00            $37.00, £29.00, €34.00            eBook: 978-1-4408-3855-2
              eBook: 978-1-4408-3943-6          eBook: 978-1-4408-4340-2
                                                                                  How do reality television programs
              Covering from 1900 to the present   This book examines how freedom of   shape our view of the world and what
              day, this book highlights how female   speech is reflected in pop culture by   we perceive as real and normal? This
              artists, actors, writers, and activists   looking at numerous examples of films,   book explores the bizarre and highly
              were involved in the fight for women’s   websites, television shows, and songs   controversial world of reality television,
              rights, with a focus on popular culture   that have touched on—and impacted—  including its early history, wide
              that includes film, literature, music,   this issue.                variety of subject matter, and social
              television, the news, and online media.                             implications.
              FEATURES                          •  Covers freedom of speech issues in   FEATURES
              •  Addresses topics represented in the   popular culture in the 19th and 20th   •  Explains why reality television plays
                media, including equal pay, birth   centuries as well as the present day  such a large role in popular culture
                control, sexism, and racism     •  Examines everything from banned   and why it is so representative of
              •  Highlights female artists, writers,   books to comic book censorship,   American society in the 21st century
                performers, athletes, and activists   music, theater, photography, film,   •  Contextualizes reality television as a
                involved in the fight for women’s   television, video games, and social   postmodernist form of new media
                rights over the course of more than a   media                       that has vastly altered the landscape
                century                         •  Enables readers to better appreciate   of traditional television programming
              •  Presents an interesting and succinct   how freedom of speech and   •  Examines the phenomenon of reality
                guide for some of the most important   expression is a subtext in most   programming in the context of
                moments in media history when     aspects of daily life             the history of radio and television
                women asserted themselves in the                                    broadcasting as it originated in the
                quest for equal rights                                              U.S. market
                                                PATRICIA L. DOOLEY joined
                                                the faculty at the Elliott School of
              ANN M. SAVAGE, PhD, is professor   Communication at Wichita State   STUART LENIG, PhD, is professor
              of critical communication and     University after serving on the faculty of   of media studies at Columbia State
              media studies at Butler University,   the University of Maine-Orono.  Community College in Columbia, TN.
              Indianapolis, IN.

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