Page 131 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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                FORTHCOMING                       FORTHCOMING                       FORTHCOMING

              Horror Literature                 Silenced in the Library           Street Style in America
              through History                   Banned Books in America           An Exploration

              An Encyclopedia of the            ZEKE JARVIS                       JENNIFER GRAYER MOORE
              Stories That Speak to
              Our Deepest Fears


                                                GREENWOOD                         GREENWOOD
                                                August 2017, 299pp, 7x10          August 2017, 373pp, 7x10
                                                Print: 978-1-4408-4394-5          Print: 978-1-4408-4461-4
                                                $94.00, £73.00, €86.00            $94.00, £73.00, €86.00
                                                eBook: 978-1-4408-4395-2          eBook: 978-1-4408-4462-1
              September 2017, 863pp, 7x10       Censorship has been an ongoing    A comprehensive resource that will
              Print: 978-1-4408-4201-6                                            prove invaluable to fashion historians,
              $189.00, £146.00, €172.00         phenomenon even in “the land of the
              eBook: 978-1-4408-4202-3          free.” This examination of banned   this book presents a detailed exploration
                                                books across U.S. history examines the   of the breadth of visually arresting,
                                                motivations and effects of censorship,   consumer-driven styles that have
              This two-volume set offers        shows us how our view of right and   emerged in America since the 20th
              comprehensive coverage of horror   wrong has evolved over the years,   century.
              literature that spans its deep history,   and helps readers to understand the
              dominant themes, significant works, and   tremendous importance of books and   FEATURES
              major authors, such as Stephen King,   films in our society.        •  Offers thorough investigations of
              Edgar Allan Poe, and Anne Rice, as well                               American street styles from the early
                                                                                    20th century to the present day
              as lesser-known horror writers.   FEATURES
                                                •  Provides readers with a broad   •  Provides theoretical perspectives on
              FEATURES                            understanding of the different levels   the shifts in American culture that
              •  Describes horror literature during   of censorship                 created the social context in which
                different periods, thus helping readers   •  Puts challenges to books into   American street styles emerged
                understand the roots of modern    historical context of societal standards   •  Enables readers to perceive the
                horror literature, how works of horror   and current events         connections between consumer-
                have engaged social issues, and how                                 driven street styles to the fashion
                horror has evolved over time    •  Takes both historical and literary   industry and to American culture at
              •  Connects horror literature to popular   perspectives, recognizing the lasting   large
                                                  cultural influences of texts and their
                culture through sidebars on film   literary significance
                adaptations, television shows, video                              JENNIFER GRAYER MOORE, PhD, is
                games, and other nonliterary, popular   •  Presents biographical background   a design historian who specializes in
                culture topics                    of major authors who have been   the history of fashion.

              MATT CARDIN is an English and     ZEKE JARVIS is associate professor of
              philosophy/religion instructor at Ranger   English at Eureka College in Eureka, IL.
              College in Stephenville, TX.

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