Page 135 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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                                 Youth Cultures                                      We Did What?!
                                 in America                                          Offensive and

                                 2 VOLUMES | SIMON J. BRONNER                        Inappropriate Behavior
                                 AND CINDY DELL CLARK, EDITORS                       in American History
                                   > AWARD WINNER                                    TIMOTHY B. JAY, EDITOR

                                 2017 Outstanding Reference Source                   This provocative guide profiles
                                 –RUSA                                               behaviors considered shocking
                                  “ This reference source is                         throughout American history,
                                                                                     revealing the extent of changing
                                   an excellent starting point
            GREENWOOD              for scholarly investigations   GREENWOOD          social mores and cultural
                                                                November 2016, 458pp, 7x10
            March 2016, 821pp, 7x10  of youth culture. Highly   Print: 978-1-4408-3772-2  perceptions of appropriate
            Print: 978-1-4408-3391-5  recommended. All          $89.00, £69.00, €81.00  conduct since the Colonial
            $189.00, £146.00, €172.00  libraries. All levels.    eBook: 978-1-4408-3773-9  period.
            eBook: 978-1-4408-3392-2               ”
                                      —Choice, November 1, 2016
            What are the components of youth cultures today? This   •  Identifies how social values have changed in American
            encyclopedia examines the facets of youth cultures and brings   history
            them to the forefront.                              •  Provides comprehensive coverage of American society from
                                                                 Colonial America to present day
            SIMON J. BRONNER, PhD, is chair and distinguished professor
            of American studies at the Pennsylvania State University,
            Harrisburg.                                         TIMOTHY B. JAY, PhD, is professor of psychology at
                                                                Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts.
            CINDY DELL CLARK, PhD, is visiting associate professor of
            anthropology at Rutgers University.
                                                                                     The 100 Most
                                 Fashion Fads                                        Important
                                 through American                                    Sporting Events in

                                 History                                             American History
                                 Fitting Clothes                                     LEW FREEDMAN
                                 into Context                                         “ This volume offers a
                                 JENNIFER GRAYER MOORE                                 great starting point for
                                                                                       sports enthusiasts and
                                  “ Entertaining, insightful                           students interested in
                                   fashion scholarship for all
                                   readers.                     GREENWOOD              exploring the many ways
                                                                November 2015, 385pp, 7x10
                                                                                       sports influence and
            GREENWOOD                                           Print: 978-1-4408-3574-2
            December 2015, 325pp, 7x10     —Library Journal, June 1, 2016  $89.00, £69.00, €81.00  perhaps change the way
            Print: 978-1-61069-901-3  Perfect for any reader interested   eBook: 978-1-4408-3575-9  we think.
            $89.00, £69.00, €81.00  in fashion, history, or popular
            eBook: 978-1-61069-902-0                                                     —Booklist, February 25, 2016
                                 culture, this text is an essential
                                                                This engaging and informative work highlights the 100 biggest
            resource that presents vital information and informed analysis of
            key fashion fads not found elsewhere.               moments in the history of American sports, illustrating
                                                                powerful connections between sporting events and significant
            FEATURES                                            social issues of the time.
            •  Offers readers easy access to original source material
                                                                •  Features a timeline highlighting major sports events over time
            JENNIFER GRAYER MOORE, PhD, is a design historian
            specializing in the history of fashion.
                                                                LEW FREEDMAN is a columnist for the Cody Enterprise
                                                                newspaper in Wyoming.

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