Page 183 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 183


                                   FORTHCOMING                                         FORTHCOMING

                                 Designing                                           Building Workforce
                                 Adult Services                                      Literacy in Libraries

                                 Strategies for Better                               Connecting
                                 Serving Your Community                              Communities with
                                 ANN ROBERTS
                                                                                     GABRIEL MORLEY
                                 Focusing on adult patrons ages
                                 19 through senior citizens, this                    A step-by-step guide for creating
            November 2017        book explains how libraries can   January 2018      an adult literacy and workforce
                                                                192pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
                                                                                     training program designed
            130pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4   best serve this busy portion of   Print: 978-1-4408-4966-4
            Print: 978-1-4408-5254-1   their community’s population at   $55.00, £43.00, €50.00   to promote professional
            $45.00, £35.00, €41.00   different life stages and foster   eBook: 978-1-4408-4967-1  partnerships and personal
            eBook: 978-1-4408-5255-8                                                 growth in your library.
                                 experiences that are “worth the
                                 trip”—whether actual or virtual.  FEATURES
            FEATURES                                            •  Shows how libraries can effectively advocate for and support
                                                                 members of their communities in tough economic times
            •  Helps librarians make their libraries the go-to places in the
              community for both information and recreation     •  Provides a solid model for outreach services for libraries
            •  Enables librarians to accurately analyze the demographics of   •  Demonstrates ways to increase the value of local public
              their communities and identify the services needed   libraries in the eyes of business and industry leaders

                                   FORTHCOMING                                         FORTHCOMING

                                 Supporting Local                                    Library Programs
                                 Businesses and                                      and Services for
                                 Entrepreneurs in the                                New Adults
                                 Digital Age                                         KYLA HUNT
                                 The Public                                          Addressing the needs of new
                                 Librarian’s Toolkit                                 adults—those aged 18–29—in
                                                                                     the library is a relatively new
                                 SALVATORE DIVINCENZO
            August 2017          AND ELIZABETH MALAFI           October 2017         yet important challenge. This
            120pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4                                  140pp, 7x10          book explains the needs and
            Print: 978-1-4408-5152-0   A timely reference for all public   Print: 978-1-4408-5417-0   wants of new adults in the public
            $50.00, £39.00, €46.00   librarians who serve the business   $45.00, £35.00, €41.00   library setting and identifies
            eBook: 978-1-4408-5153-7  community in libraries, regardless   eBook: 978-1-4408-5418-7   their preferences pertaining to
            of size or location—from small rural outposts to bustling big-city   physical space, programming, and technology.
            FEATURES                                            •  Clearly differentiates new adults from teens and older adults
            •  Gives librarians tools and practical advice for better serving   and explains why serving this demographic is important to
              small businesses and entrepreneurs                 the success of your library
            •  Provides librarians with the “big picture” of serving small   •  Defines the needs of the new adult population and identifies
              businesses, from collections and services to programs   programs suited to them
            •  Speaks to librarians at all sizes of libraries, offering concrete   •  Explores outreach plans tailored for the new adult
              guidance and tips that they can immediately put to use in their   population

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