Page 181 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 181


              Information Services to                             NEW

              Diverse Populations                               Serving Those Who Served

              Developing Culturally Competent                   Librarian’s Guide to Working with
              Library Professionals                             Veteran and Military Communities

              NICOLE A. COOKE                                   SARAH LEMIRE AND KRISTEN J. MULVIHILL
                                        “ relevant and                              Whether you work in a public library,
                                          This extremely
                                                                                    an academic library, a school library,
                                         topical guide                              or any other type of library, you are
                                         only starts the                            likely to encounter members of the
                                         conversation                               veteran and military communities.
                                         about diversity                            This book is a starting point to help
                                         and gives the                              librarians, library administrators, and
                                         reader motivation                          all library employees understand
                                         to continue. It is                         how veterans, service members, and
                                         a much-needed                              their families can be different from
                                         resource for both      February 2017, 181pp, 7x10   other patrons, recognize important
                                         the student and        Print: 978-1-4408-3432-5   elements of military and veteran
                                                    ”           eBook: 978-1-4408-3433-2
                                         professional.          $55.00, £43.00, €50.00   culture, and identify strategies for
                                                    —VOYA,                          effectively serving the veteran and
              December 2016, 166pp, 7x10                                            military communities.
              Print: 978-1-4408-3460-8         February 1, 2017
              $65.00, £50.00, €60.00    Whether you work        In this book, you find tips to help you determine the size and
              eBook: 978-1-4408-3461-5  in a public library,    the needs of the veteran and military communities in your local
                                        an academic library,    area. You’ll learn about some common information requests and
              a school library, or any other type of library, you are   information-seeking behavior of veterans and service members.
              likely to encounter members of the veteran and military   You’ll discover how to take the needs and also the unique
              communities. This book is a starting point to help librarians,   strengths of the veteran and military communities into account
              library administrators, and all library employees understand   when developing library outreach efforts, programs, services,
              how veterans, service members, and their families can be   and collections. And you’ll gain insights to help you harness
              different from other patrons, recognize important elements   the knowledge, strengths, and experiences of the veteran and
              of military and veteran culture, and identify strategies for   military communities in order to help them fulfill their potential
              effectively serving the veteran and military communities.  as an asset to the library and to the community.

              FEATURES                                          FEATURES
              •  The first guidebook of its kind, intended to support   •  The first guidebook of its kind, intended to support librarians,
                librarians, administrators, and library employees of all   administrators, and library employees of all types better serve
                types better serve the veteran and military communities  the veteran and military communities
                                                                •  Presents insights from authors who are both Army veterans
                                                                  as well as professional librarians engaged in working with the
                                        NICOLE A. COOKE,          veteran and military communities in libraries
                                        PhD, MLS, is program
                                        director for the MS in   •  The first guidebook of its kind, intended to support librarians,
                                        library and information   administrators, and library employees of all types better serve
                                        science (MS/LIS) and      the veteran and military communities
                                        assistant professor at
                                        The Graduate School of    ALSO OF INTEREST
                                        Library and Information
                                        Science at The University   Raising the Tech Bar at Your Library: Improving Services to Meet
                                        of Illinois, Urbana-    User Needs on page 157.

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