Page 177 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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                NEW                               NEW                             Index to American

              Recommended                       American Reference                Reference Books
              Reference Books for               Books Annual                      Annual 2010–2014
              Small and Medium-                 2017 Edition, Volume 48           A Cumulative Index

              Sized Libraries and               JUNEAL M. CHENOWETH,              to Subjects, Authors,
                                                                                  and Titles
              Media Centers                     ASSOCIATE EDITOR
                                                                                  SHANNON GRAFF HYSELL,
              2017 Edition, Volume 37                                             ASSOCIATE EDITOR
              JUNEAL M. CHENOWETH,
              ASSOCIATE EDITOR

                                                June 2017, 600pp, 7x10
                                                Print: 978-1-4408-5660-0
                                                $140.00, £108.00, €128.00         May 2014, 291pp, 7x10
                                                                                  Print: 978-1-61069-547-3
                                                                                  $85.00, £66.00, €78.00
                                                This newest edition of American
              July 2017, 382pp, 7x10
              Print: 978-1-4408-5661-7          Reference Books Annual (ARBA) provides   This index is more than a location
              $75.00, £58.00, €69.00            librarians with insightful, critical reviews
                                                of print and electronic reference   device on reference materials; it is
                                                resources released in 2015–2016,   a critical collection development
              An essential resource for collection                                tool for the scholar, librarian, and
              development specialists in small and   as well as some from key titles from   reader seeking to tap ARBA’s wealth
              medium-sized libraries, this guide   2017 that were received in time for   of information. It contains the latest
              identifies the highest quality, most   review in the publication. By using this   reviews of general and subject-specific
              affordable, and most appropriate   invaluable guide to consider both the   almanacs, bibliographies, dictionaries,
              new print and electronic reference   positive and negative aspects of each   encyclopedias, handbooks, indexes,
              materials. As with previous editions,   resource, librarians can make informed   electronic resources, and more. Each
              readers will get fair and accurate   decisions about which new reference   entry in ARBA presents full bibliographic
              assessments from these reviews, which   resources are most appropriate for their   information, an evaluative review,
              are written by librarians and subject-  collections and their patrons’ needs.   and citations to professional journals
              area experts who present both positive   Collection development librarians who   containing other published reviews.
              and negative aspects of each product.   are working with limited budgets—as
              Each publication review is coded to   is the case in practically every library   FEATURES
              clearly indicate the most appropriate   today—will be able to maximize the   •  Provides easy access to the more than
              audience—college, public, and/or   benefit from their monetary resources   7,500 reviews written for the past five
                                                                                    years of American Reference Books
              school.                           by selecting what they need most
                                                for their collection, while bypassing   Annual (ARBA)
              FEATURES                          materials that bring limited value to   •  Offers ARBA users a convenient
              •  Features more than 500 reviews   their specific environment.       resource for identifying new reference
                chosen from American Reference                                      books and electronic resources in
                Books Annual                                                        specific subjects of interest to their
                                                                                    library patrons
              •  Considers affordability and broad
                appeal as criteria for inclusion—key
                factors with today’s shrinking budgets

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