Page 174 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 174

                                STATISTICS, AND DATA

            Research Methods in Library                           NEW
            and Information Science

            Sixth Edition | LYNN SILIPIGNI CONNAWAY             Harnessing the
                                                                Power of Google
            AND MARIE L. RADFORD
                                Conducting research and         What Every Researcher
                                successfully publishing the findings
                                is a goal of many professionals   Should Know
                                and students in library and     CHRISTOPHER C. BROWN
                                information science (LIS). Using
                                the best methodology maximizes                            This informative and
                                the likelihood of a successful                            practical book teaches
                                outcome. This outstanding book                            how to get better and
                                broadly covers the principles, data                       faster results from
                                collection techniques, and analyses                       Internet searches and
            November 2016       of quantitative and qualitative                           methods for maximizing
            478pp, 7x10         methods as well as the advantages                         the potential of the
            Print: 978-1-4408-3478-3   and limitations of each method to                  world’s most popular
            $65.00, £50.00, €60.00   research design. It addresses these                  search engine.
            eBook: 978-1-4408-3479-0
                                research methods and design by                            FEATURES
            discussing the scientific method, sampling techniques, validity,              •   Shows users how
            reliability, and ethical concerns along with additional topics such             get to the specific
            as experimental research design, ethnographic methods, and                      information they need
            usability testing.                                   June 2017, 134pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4   more quickly through
                                                                 Print: 978-1-4408-5712-6   the most effective
            The explanations and current research examples supplied by
                                                                 $55.00, £43.00, €50.00     use of Google Web,
            discipline experts offer advice and strategies for completing   eBook: 978-1-4408-5713-3  Google Scholar, and
            research projects, dissertations, and theses as well as for writing             Google Books
            grants, overcoming writer’s block, collaborating with colleagues,   •  Teaches power-searching techniques that are unknown to
            and working with outside consultants. The answer to nearly any   most Internet users
            question posed by novice researchers is provided in this book.
                                                                 •  Includes sidebars that demonstrate specific applications of
            FEATURES                                              the “Three Googles” to academic research questions
            •  Now in its sixth edition, the book provides new and updated
              content that is even more comprehensive than before and
              contains added sections featuring the voices of prominent LIS
              scholars, researchers, and editors
            •  “Voices of the Experts” text boxes provide researchers’ advice
              on specific methods and identify what was most important or
              most valuable about using a particular method and software
              for analysis—e.g., NVivo, SurveyMonkey, and log capture
            •  •  Written by coauthors with extensive expertise in research
              design, securing grant funding, and using the latest technology
              and data analysis software
                                                                 CHRISTOPHER C. BROWN is reference technology
                                                                 information librarian at the University of Denver Main
                                                                 Library and has been teaching as an affiliate faculty
                                                                 member in the University of Denver Library and
                                                                 Information Science program since 1999.
                                                                ALSO OF INTEREST

                                                              Librarian’s Guide to Online Searching: Cultivating Database Skills
                                                              for Research and Instruction on page 141.
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