Page 173 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 173


              Ace the Interview,                A History of                      Introduction to
              Land a Librarian Job              Modern Librarianship              the Library and

              ROBIN O’HANLON                    Constructing the Heritage         Information
                                                of Western Cultures               Professions
                                                PAMELA SPENCE RICHARDS,           Second Edition | ROGER C. GREER,
                                                WAYNE A. WIEGAND, AND             ROBERT J. GROVER,
                                                MARIJA DALBELLO, EDITORS          AND SUSAN G. FOWLER

              January 2016, 158pp, 7x10
              Print: 978-1-4408-3956-6
              $45.00, £35.00, €41.00
              eBook: 978-1-4408-3957-3

                                                May 2015, 248pp, 7x10
              One of the most critical elements                                   June 2013, 197pp, 7x10
                                                Print: 978-1-61069-099-7
              of achieving a successful career,   $60.00, £47.00, €55.00          Print: 978-1-61069-157-4
                                                                                  $65.00, £50.00, €60.00
              interviewing with poise and tenacity, is   eBook: 978-1-4408-3473-8  eBook: 978-1-61069-158-1
              a skill to be learned—and this practical
              guide leads readers through that     An enjoyable read for
                                                                                     This volume is well-written
              process, step by step.             “ anyone interested in the        “ and delivers a compelling story
              FEATURES                            history of the world’s libraries   about how the professions
              •  Provides a librarian-specific job-  and librarianship—students,    bring people and information
                interviewing guidebook that guides   academics, historian, and      together. It is recommended for
                candidates through the strategic   practitioners. ”                 public, community college, and
                and targeted interview preparation                                  university libraries.
                process for today’s highly specific       —BBC Archives, December 23, 2015          ”
                librarian positions             A broad, comparative history of                 —ARBA, June 1, 2013
              •  Presents contributions from    librarianship, this intriguing work   This comprehensive book prepares
                library leaders such as Rivkah Sass   goes beyond the standard focus on
                (Sacramento Public Library), Brett   institutions and collections to help you   readers for a changing profession in the
                Bonfield (Collingswood Public Library),   explore the part modern librarianship   library and information field, presenting
                Anne Langley (Princeton Library),   played—and continues to play—in   a holistic approach that examines
                and John Danneker (Odegaard                                       theories and models and utilizes
                Undergraduate Library, University of   forming Western cultures.  creative problem-solving strategies.
                Washington) who explain what can   FEATURES
                make or break an interview      •  Discusses the cultural role of libraries   FEATURES
              •  Includes a helpful job application   and the role of information in shaping   •  Provides a current, detailed, and
                tracking chart as well as an interview   modern society             creative introduction to the library
                preparation checklist (for remote and   •  Deepens readers’ understanding of   and information profession for
                in-person situations) and an interview   the history of the 20th century and   students in LIS programs as well
                presentation checklist                                              as practicing professionals seeking
                                                  modern librarianship, including digital   continuing education
                                                  convergence of the past two decades
                                                                                  •  Presents a framework for thinking
                                                •  Analyzes the cycles of “information   about the library and information
                                                  explosion” and multiple information   profession through thoughtful models
                                                  eras as part of the development   and theories, which place it in the
                                                  of librarianship over more than a   context of general service professions
                                                  century                           in society

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