Page 171 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 171


              Libraries in the                    NEW                               NEW
              Information Age                   Public Library                    Transdisciplinarity

              An Introduction and               Collections in                    Revealed
              Career Exploration                the Balance                       What Librarians
              Third Edition | DENISE K. FOURIE                                    Need to Know
              AND NANCY E. LOE                  Censorship, Inclusivity,
                                                and Truth                         VICTORIA MARTIN
                                                                                  FOREWORD BY ALFONSO MONTUORI
                                                JENNIFER DOWNEY
                                                FOREWORD BY JAMES LARUE

              May 2016, 349pp, 7x10
              Print: 978-1-61069-864-1
              $60.00, £47.00, €55.00                                              April 2017, 211pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
              eBook: 978-1-61069-865-8
                                                                                  Print: 978-1-4408-4347-1
                                                July 2017, 208pp, 7x10            $85.00, £66.00, €78.00
               “ anyone interested in a career   Print: 978-1-4408-4964-0         eBook: 978-1-4408-4348-8
                 These chapters are useful for
                                                $55.00, £43.00, €50.00
                in libraries but unfamiliar with   eBook: 978-1-4408-4965-7
                the many different roles and                                      An invaluable book on the emergent
                     ”                          for librarians, library staff, and MLIS   how it applies to library service and
                tasks.                          A fascinating and informative read   field of transdisciplinarity that explains
                         —VOYA, October 3, 2016
                                                students, this book offers practical   collections conceptually and identifies
              The book Library Media Connection   information and professional guidelines   practical strategies for supporting
              cited as something “all librarians need to   to examine current issues in censorship   transdisciplinary research conducted by
              have on their shelves” is now thoroughly   and libraries while also enabling readers   faculty and students.
              revised for today’s 21st-century library   to consider their own opinions about   FEATURES
              environment. Covering both technology   intellectual freedom and censorship.  •  Tackles the hot topics of new modes
              and library practices, the title has been   FEATURES                  of knowledge production and the
              a go-to text for librarians and library   •  Helps librarians and students better   shift toward transdisciplinarity within
              school students since 2002.                                           the research community and explains
                                                  understand the intellectual freedom
              FEATURES                            issues and controversies most     the urgent need for librarians to
                                                  common to public libraries and put   understand transdisciplinarity and to
              •  Thoroughly revises and updates a                                   effectively apply this concept to their
                popular text for LIS or LTA programs   them into the context of real-world   work
                that can also be used in MLIS     situations                      •  Supplies practical, pragmatic advice
                curricula and for four-year programs   •  Challenges readers to examine their   for academic librarians on how to
                in library studies and information   professional and personal feelings   work with faculty and students to
                studies                           on controversial topics fairly and
                                                  thoughtfully, with the intent of   promote the skills necessary for
              •  Provides a succinct introduction to                                successful transdisciplinary research
                the library industry and a practical   evolving the library profession   •  Clarifies the differences between
                overview of the field from seasoned                                 multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary
                                                                                    approaches to research—key
                                                                                    distinctions that are often subject to

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