Page 166 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 166


              Financial Management                FORTHCOMING                       FORTHCOMING
              of Libraries and                  Short-Term Staff,                 Planning Cloud-Based
              Information Centers
                                                Long-Term Benefits                Disaster Recovery for
              ROBERT H. BURGER
                                                Making the Most of Interns,       Digital Assets
                                                Volunteers, Student               The Innovative
                                                Workers, and Temporary            Librarian’s Guide
                                                Staff in Libraries
                                                                                  ROBIN HASTINGS
                                                NORA J. BIRD AND
                                                MICHAEL A. CRUMPTON

              August 2016, 370pp, 7x10
              Print: 978-1-4408-5013-4
              $85.00, £66.00, €78.00
              eBook: 978-1-4408-5014-1

                                                                                  December 2017, 155pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
               “ professional who needs to      February 2018, 184pp, 7x10        Print: 978-1-4408-4238-2
                 Any librarian or information
                                                                                  $55.00, £43.00, €50.00
                learn about finance, whether    Print: 978-1-4408-4176-7          eBook: 978-1-4408-4239-9
                in graduate school or working   $65.00, £50.00, €60.00
                in the field, will find this book   eBook: 978-1-4408-4177-4
                        ”                                                         of planning to safeguard your library’s
                beneficial.                                                       This essential guide covers the basics
                   —Library Journal, January 11, 2017  This book offers a novel, more efficient,   digital assets—library catalog and
                                                and mutually beneficial approach to   circulation data, online resources, etc.—
              Covering everything from auditing and   attracting, training, and working with   by taking advantage of cloud-based
              budgeting to contracts, revenue and   short-term staff in ways that benefit all   storage.
              expenditures, forecasting, and ethics   involved: the organization, the short-
              in financial management, this book   term staff, and library personnel in   FEATURES
              addresses the full spectrum of topics   general.                    •  Describes strategies that enable
              and skills needed by today’s library                                  libraries to make certain their online
              managers.                         FEATURES                            presences stay up and running,
                                                •  Demonstrates how to get the      despite environmental disasters
              FEATURES                            most out of short-term staff and   •  Provides practical advice for the
              •  Addresses a topic of growing concern   volunteers, while also meeting the   disaster planning process, with
                to library managers that is applicable   needs of these individuals  checklists and templates for librarians
                to all types of libraries       •  Covers all types of short-term   to use immediately
              •  Offers readers a formal,         library workers: volunteers, service   •  Explains the best use of cloud-based
                comprehensive introduction to     learning students, interns, work-study   tools to make disaster planning
                financial management—not just an   students, and grant personnel    affordable for every library
                aspect such as cost benefit analysis,   •  Documents how having experienced   •  Presents information that is relevant
                budgeting, or fundraising         staff mentor and collaborate with   and useful for any size library, with
              •  Includes forms and worksheets that   short-term staff presents new   examples and information for all
                help readers better understand the   opportunities for learning and growth   kinds of libraries
                concepts                          as well as provides the direct benefit
              •  Supplies clear and detailed      of completing tasks and projects
                explanations of financial concepts   more quickly
                and practical applications

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