Page 164 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 164


              Creating the High-                  NEW                             Small Libraries,
              Functioning                       Intrapreneurship                  Big Impact

              Library Space                     Handbook for                      How to Better Serve
              Expert Advice from                Librarians                        Your Community in
              Librarians, Architects,           How to Be a Change                the Digital Age
              and Designers                                                       YUNFEI DU
                                                Agent in Your Library
                                                ARNE J. ALMQUIST AND
                                                SHARON G. ALMQUIST

                                                                                  June 2016, 153pp, 7x10
                                                                                  Print: 978-1-4408-4156-9
              November 2016, 158pp, 7x10                                          $55.00, £43.00, €50.00
              Print: 978-1-4408-4058-6                                            eBook: 978-1-4408-4157-6
              $70.00, £54.00, €64.00            January 2017, 153pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
              eBook: 978-1-4408-4059-3          Print: 978-1-61069-528-2
                                                $55.00, £43.00, €50.00
                                                eBook: 978-1-61069-529-9          Library managers today must adopt
               “ an audience needing a guide                                      a new mindset in order to perform a
                 This text is recommended for
                                                                                  broad spectrum of activities and attract
                                  ”             innovation in your library? From idea   patrons. This valuable book shows how
                for the titular purpose.        Do you have a great idea for an   new users who are not traditional library
                         —VOYA, February 1, 2017  to execution, this book provides the   to get your community behind your
              This book provides practical information   information necessary to help you to   library by making it an essential part
              and insights to library administrators   become an intrapreneurial star at your   of community life and demonstrating
              and building plan team members at   library.                        its benefit to all members of the
              academic and public libraries who   FEATURES                        community.
              are considering or starting a library   •  Provides readers with a unique
              expansion or reconfiguration of existing   understanding of the application of   FEATURES
              space.                              the intrapreneurial concept within   •  Helps smaller public libraries re-
                                                                                    establish their relevance and value to
              FEATURES                            libraries and helps librarians acquire a   their communities
                                                  new and essential survival skill
              •  Covers all of the steps in the building                          •  Broadens possibilities for library
                process, from preparing the RFP and   •  Supplies practical, actionable   service that will demonstrate how
                selecting an architect to developing   information in a clear, literate, and   your library is an essential part of all
                a financial contingency plan and   commonsense style that lends itself   community life and positively impacts
                managing community and staff      equally well to linear reading or use   all members of your community
                expectations                      as a reference                  •  Presents effective tools for
              •  Includes contributions from some   •  Presents the viewpoints of two   collaboration, community outreach,
                of the most accomplished library   successful library entrepreneurs   and partnership
                architects and designers from across   sharing their experiences of what has   •  Offers an inclusive approach to
                the nation                        worked—and what hasn’t            library service that embraces diverse
                                                •  Includes processes, short case   populations
                                                  studies, and “food for thought”
                                                  sections that fully document and
                                                  flesh out the ideas presented

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