Page 167 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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                                 Public Library                                      Practical Evaluation
                                 Buildings                                           Techniques for

                                 The Librarian’s Go-To                               Librarians
                                 Guide for Construction,                             RACHEL APPLEGATE
                                 Expansion, and                                        A useful guide for
                                 Renovation Projects                                  “ gathering practical
                                 LISA CHARBONNET                                       information.
                                 This go-to guide covers the entire                        —School Library Journal,
                                 process of building or renovating                               February 4, 2014
            October 2015, 220pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4   a public library—from initial   August 2013, 232pp, 8 1/2x11   Evaluation is essential to library
            Print: 978-1-4408-3858-3   planning, to maintaining the   Print: 978-1-61069-159-8
            $65.00, £50.00, €60.00                              $50.00, £39.00, €46.00   management: it provides the
            eBook: 978-1-4408-3859-0  completed space, to measuring   eBook: 978-1-61069-160-4  data that underlies informed and
                                 success.                                            effective decision-making. This book
            FEATURES                                            is a one-volume, how-to guide to library evaluation techniques,
            •  Provides you with an informal, easy-to-read, practical guide   planning, and reporting.
              that addresses the specific needs of public librarians looking to
              reimagine their library space                     FEATURES
            •  Takes a holistic approach that covers every step from initial   •  Provides specific directions for writing surveys, conducting
              vision to evaluating success                       interviews, and performing a wide range of evaluation
                                                                 techniques, accompanied by examples to follow
            •  Offers practical, nuts-and-bolts advice from an experienced
              veteran of the process                            •  Covers the evaluation of library’s electronic and physical
                                                                 collections, face-to-face and virtual service, and facilities

                                 Transforming Our                                    Library Assessment

                                 Image, Building                                     in Higher Education
                                 Our Brand
                                                                                     Second Edition
                                 The Education                                       JOSEPH R. MATTHEWS
                                                                                      “ The book will absolutely
                                 VALERIE J. GROSS                                      be a valued addition to
                                  “ Informative and                                    any academic library
                                   approachable, this
                                                                                       collection. . . . A significant
                                   resource offers many                                contribution to the existing
            November 2012, 169pp, 7x10   suggestions to better help                    literature on assessment
            Print: 978-1-59884-770-3   the public understand the   December 2014, 226pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4   of higher institutions and
            $50.00, £39.00, €46.00   role of libraries. This, in   Print: 978-1-61069-817-7   academic libraries.
            eBook: 978-1-59884-771-0                            $55.00, £43.00, €50.00                ”
                                   turn, helps with funding     eBook: 978-1-61069-818-4      —Performance Measurement
                                   and more.                                         and Metrics, September 20, 2016
                                           —VOYA, April 1, 2013
                                                                Written specifically to address the library’s role in education, this
            This book describes a groundbreaking concept that enables   book provides guidance on performing assessment at academic
            public libraries—and librarians—to become indispensable   institutions that will serve to improve teaching effectiveness and
            by following a “Three Pillars” educational approach, and by   prove your library’s impact on student learning outcomes—and
            replacing traditional terms with powerful, intuitive, value-  thereby demonstrate your library’s value.
            enhanced terminology that everyone understands.
                                                                •  Demonstrates the critical nature of assessment in academic
            •  Demonstrates how to heighten any library’s visibility and   libraries in the 21st century
                                                                •  Identifies and discusses in detail effective assessment
            •  Redefines libraries in a new, innovative way that conveys   practices in higher education
              their true worth
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