Page 163 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 163


                FORTHCOMING                       FORTHCOMING                       NEW

              The Evaluation                    Managerial Leadership             Leading in the New
              and Measurement                   for Librarians                    Academic Library

              of Library Services               Thriving in the Public            BECKY ALBITZ, CHRISTINE AVERY,
                                                and Nonprofit World               AND DIANE ZABEL, EDITORS
              Second Edition
              JOSEPH R. MATTHEWS                G. EDWARD EVANS AND
                                                HOLLAND CHRISTIE

                                                                                  May 2017, 195pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
                                                                                  Print: 978-1-4408-5113-1
              October 2017, 375pp, 7x10                                           $55.00, £43.00, €50.00
              Print: 978-1-4408-5536-8          October 2017, 360pp, 7x10         eBook: 978-1-4408-5114-8
              $65.00, £50.00, €60.00            Print: 978-1-4408-4170-5
              eBook: 978-1-4408-5537-5          $65.00, £50.00, €60.00
                                                eBook: 978-1-4408-4171-2          Providing perspectives of practitioners
                                                                                  who are early- and mid-career librarians
              This guide provides library directors,                              as well as highly seasoned professionals,
              managers, and administrators in all   Putting library management into the   this book offers invaluable advice
              types of libraries with complete and up-  unique context of the not-for-profit   regarding leadership that will help
              to-date instructions on how to evaluate   world, this work offers you invaluable   academic librarians of all experience
              library services in order to improve   guidance on how to manage your library   levels to surmount the confounding
              them.                             effectively.                      issues they face and to overcome new
              FEATURES                          FEATURES                          challenges.
              •  Helps librarians to thoroughly   •  Supplies an insightful career guide for   FEATURES
                examine their libraries’ services   library managers and administrators   •  Introduces academic librarians and
                toward making improvements        as well as those who wish to become   students to key management issues
              •  Explains the most effective ways of   managers or administrators   and provides effective ways to
                conducting library measurement and   •  Provides practical advice and tools   address them
                evaluation, covering qualitative and   customized for library managers
                quantitative tools, data analysis, and   looking to excel in their careers and   •  Demonstrates how qualities of
                                                                                    leadership can be cultivated for career
                specific methodologies for measuring   help their libraries by becoming better
                and assessing specific services   leaders                           success
              •  Enables librarians to answer with   •  Presents information that is   •  Provides up-to-date guidance on
                authority the question “what      specifically for library management   leadership skills as they apply in
                                                                                    the academic library setting, skills
                difference do we make?”           in the context of not-for-profit,   which may not  be covered in
              •  Offers a highly readable and clear   educational operations rather than   traditional textbooks for courses in
                treatment of a topic of paramount   offering business-oriented advice  library management and academic
                importance, but that librarians often   •  Useful as a text or as supplementary   librarianship
                find difficult                    reading in management and advanced
                                                  management courses
                ALSO OF INTEREST
              Adding Value to Libraries, Archives, and
              Museums: Harnessing the Force That Drives
              Your Organization’s Future on page 167.
                                            ORDER THROUGH YOUR DISTRIBUTOR OR AT ABC-CLIO.COM  /  800-368-6868    161
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