Page 158 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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              Digitizing Your                   Digitizing Audiovisual            Rare Book
              Community’s History               and Nonprint Materials            Librarianship

              The Innovative                    The Innovative                    An Introduction and Guide
              Librarian’s Guide                 Librarian’s Guide                 STEVEN K. GALBRAITH AND
                                                                                  GEOFFREY D. SMITH
              ALEX HOFFMAN                      SCOTT PIEPENBURG
                                                                                  FOREWORD BY JOEL B. SILVER

              May 2016, 140pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4      September 2015, 94pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
              Print: 978-1-4408-4240-5          Print: 978-1-4408-3780-7          June 2012, 185pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
              $55.00, £43.00, €50.00            $50.00, £39.00, €46.00            Print: 978-1-59158-881-8
              eBook: 978-1-4408-4241-2          eBook: 978-1-4408-3781-4          $55.00, £43.00, €50.00
                                                                                  eBook: 978-1-59158-882-5

                                                  Packed with information and
               “ a wise investment for libraries   “ librarians of any caliber will find   “ recommended for any rare
                                                                                     This handbook is
                 A valuable tool . . . this book is
                looking to preserve the past for   it easy to follow Piepenburg’s   book and special collections
                future generations. ”             instructions to begin a           librarian, teachers, and students
                                                  digitization project of their own.
                        —VOYA, December 6, 2016   . . . Librarians and archivists will   in library science, or anyone
                                                                                    charged with the care of rare
                                                  enjoy reading this fast-paced
              Follow the blueprint in this book to   book and most likely learn a   books. ”
              launch a library DIY community history   thing or two in the process.      —College & Research Libraries,
              digitization program—one that provides                    ”                         September 1, 2013
              the access and fosters engagement with       —Library Resources and Technical
              patrons to sustain the program over         Services, October 11, 2016  Successfully managing rare book
              time.                             AV collections in libraries are   collections requires very specific
                                                                                  knowledge and skills. This handbook
                                                disintegrating, and their playback
              FEATURES                                                            provides that essential information in a
                                                equipment is soon to be obsolete.
              •  Takes readers through establishing                               single volume.
                local history digitization projects at   Digitizing can be the solution to decay
                the community level from start to   and for continued access.     FEATURES
                finish, providing guidance on how to   FEATURES                   •  Covers the history of rare books
                set up, maintain, and sustain ongoing                               librarianship
                digitization projects           •  Offers easy-to-understand guidance   •  Provides instructions on handling and
              •  Describes how to train library users   on how to use digitizing to enable   preserving rare books and techniques
                                                  your library to recoup its investment
                for digitization—instructions that   in outdated but often-expensive AV   for limiting problems such as theft
                are also applicable for including   collections                     and damage to the collection
                volunteers in digitization projects                               •  Presents information on growing
                                                •  Discusses use of off-the-shelf and
              •  Explains how creating a DIY history   shareware technology         the collection and working with
                digitization project can provide a                                  booksellers, donors, and auction
                community benefit and serve as a   •  Covers creation of metadata for   houses
                form of outreach that also enriches a   discovery layer access
                library’s local history collection

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