Page 155 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 155


                NEW                             Guide to Electronic               The Complete Guide

              Audio Recorders to                Resource Management               to Acquisitions
              Zucchini Seeds                    SHERI V. T. ROSS AND              Management
                                                SARAH W. SUTTON
              Building a Library of Things                                        Second Edition
                                                                                  FRANCES C. WILKINSON,
              MARK ROBISON AND                                                    LINDA K. LEWIS, AND
              LINDLEY SHEDD, EDITORS                                              REBECCA L. LUBAS

                                                February 2016, 159pp, 7x10
                                                Print: 978-1-4408-3958-0
                                                $55.00, £43.00, €50.00
                                                eBook: 978-1-4408-3959-7
              May 2017, 271pp, 7x10                                               July 2015, 208pp, 7x10
              Print: 978-1-4408-5019-6                                            Print: 978-1-61069-713-2
              $65.00, £50.00, €60.00              Essential for library school    $60.00, £47.00, €55.00
              eBook: 978-1-4408-5020-2           “ students and beginning         eBook: 978-1-61069-714-9
                                                  librarians who need to
              This inspiring exploration of the range   understand the basics      “ An excellent library science
              of options for a “library of things”   of electronic resource         textbook for use in classes
              collection demonstrates what has    management. ”                     teaching current acquisitions
              been implemented successfully and         —Library Journal, July 1, 2016  management. . . . Filled
              offers practical insights regarding                                   with valuable information
              these nontraditional projects, from   This primer offers a thorough   resources. ”
              the development of concepts to the   introduction to electronic resource       —Technicalities, January 12, 2017
              everyday realities of maintaining and   management for librarians with little
              circulating these collections.    or no knowledge of these specialized   Updated and enhanced, the second
                                                materials.                        edition of this text provides both library
              FEATURES                                                            students and practitioners with a
              •  Documents the plan and launch                                    thorough understanding of procedural
                phases of nontraditional collections   •  Presents practical information   and philosophical approaches in
                that will help readers who are    through an easy-to-follow progression   acquisitions management.
                entertaining the idea of starting their   of concepts
                own “things” project            •  Introduces readers to the standards,   FEATURES
              •  Explains how these collections   systems, and structures in place   •  Incorporates thoroughly updated
                support the mission of a library:   for the effective management of   information that reflects today’s
                supporting teaching, serving a unique   electronic resources        fast-changing world of acquisitions
                population (such as small liberal   •  Features information on standards   management and addresses the
                arts colleges), and providing for a   development, new product      changing landscape of publishing
                community need                    assessment, and idea exchange     overall
              •  Spotlights some of the most      for both novice and experienced   •  Highlights new web-based materials
                frequently cited nontraditional   librarians                      •  Takes an integrated approach to
                collections, including the Tool Lending   •  Includes a section on preserving and   acquisitions functions and operations
                Library at Berkeley Public, the Library   archiving digital materials
                of Things at Sacramento Public,
                and the unique holdings of Alaska
                Resources Library and Information
                Services (ARLIS)
                                            ORDER THROUGH YOUR DISTRIBUTOR OR AT ABC-CLIO.COM  /  800-368-6868    153
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