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              Guide to the Library of           Catalog It!                       The RDA Workbook
              Congress Classification           A Guide to Cataloging             Learning the Basics of

              Sixth Edition | LOIS MAI CHAN,    School Library Materials          Resource Description
              SHEILA S. INTNER, AND JEAN WEIHS                                    and Access
                                                Third Edition | ALLISON G. KAPLAN
                                                                                  MARGARET MERING, EDITOR

              September 2016, 373pp, 7x10       December 2015, 230pp, 8 1/2x11
              Print: 978-1-4408-4433-1
              $75.00, £58.00, €69.00            Print: 978-1-4408-3580-3          January 2014, 190pp, 8 1/2x11
                                                $60.00, £47.00, €55.00
              eBook: 978-1-4408-4434-8                                            Print: 978-1-61069-489-6
                                                eBook: 978-1-4408-3581-0
                                                                                  $55.00, £43.00, €50.00
                                                                                  eBook: 978-1-61069-490-2
              The Library of Congress Classification
              system is used in academic, legal,   “ Catalog It! shines as an
              medical, and research libraries     essential professional           “ A useful, engaging, and
              throughout North America as well as   development resource for        well-written book that is
              worldwide; accordingly, catalogers and   school library cataloging. ”     recommended to catalogers
              librarians in these settings all need to       —Technicalities, November 14, 2016  and staff in all libraries and
              be able to use it. The established gold                               cataloging instructors and their
              standard text for Library of Congress   Whether you’re a practicing cataloger   students. ”
              Classification (LCC), the sixth edition   looking for a short text to update you       —Library Journal, Starred Review,
              of Guide to the Library of Congress   on the application of RDA to cataloging           April 15, 2014
              Classification updates and complements   records or a school librarian who needs
              the classic textbook’s coverage of   a quick resource to answer cataloging   Whether a library catalogs its own
              cataloging in academic and research   questions, this guide is for you.  materials or not, librarians still need
              libraries.                        FEATURES                          to have some understanding of RDA.
                                                                                  Designed to be used by academic,
                                                •  Thoroughly updates a best-selling,
              FEATURES                                                            public, and school librarians, this is the
                                                  essential guide to cataloging
              •  Serves primarily as an introductory                              perfect introduction.
                textbook for core LIS courses in   •  Addresses the new standards
                cataloging and classification and in   specifically as they apply to school   FEATURES
                organization of information but also   libraries                  •  Focuses on the new RDA rules
                as a reference work for practicing   •  Helps school librarians understand   and conventions and their
                librarians                        and implement the new cataloging   implementation, particularly in
              •  Includes an appendix containing   standards in their collections   smaller libraries where there are no
                models for sub-arrangements within   •  Distills the latest information and   professional catalogers
                disciplines                       presents it in a format that is clear   •  Presents FRBR and other aspects
                                                  and accessible                    of RDA’s theoretical framework in
                                                •  Fills the need for up-to-the-minute   understandable terms
                                                  cataloging guidance for the busy   •  Features a step-by-step guide to
                                                  librarian who wants information in a   creating bibliographic records for print
                                                  hurry                             and electronic books, videos, and
                                                                                    other formats

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