Page 156 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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              Floating Collections              Collection                        Handbook for Asian

              A Collection Development          Management Basics                 Studies Specialists
              Model for Long-Term               Sixth Edition                     A Guide to Research
              Success                           G. EDWARD EVANS AND               Materials and Collection
                                                MARGARET ZARNOSKY SAPONARO
              WENDY K. BARTLETT                                                   Building Tools
                                                                                  NORIKO ASATO, EDITOR

              January 2014, 128pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4   May 2012, 343pp, 7x10
              Print: 978-1-59884-743-7          Hardcover: 978-1-59884-863-2
              $55.00, £43.00, €50.00            $65.00, £50.00, €60.00            October 2013, 466pp, 7x10
              eBook: 978-1-59884-744-4          eBook: 978-1-61069-259-5          Print: 978-1-59884-842-7
                                                Paperback: 978-1-59884-864-9      $105.00, £81.00, €96.00
                                                $48.00, £37.00, €44.00            eBook: 978-1-59884-843-4
               “ tackles a challenging decision
                 This is a superb guide that
                             ”                    to-date textbook for library      makes this handbook stand
                facing libraries.                “ Recommended as an up-           “ The variety of resources
                   —Public Libraries, January 1, 2015  and information science      out as a significant resource for
               “ on how to float and live to tell   courses in both graduate and       Asian Studies specialists. ”
                 Bartlett has written the guide
                                                  undergraduate programs as
                                                                                      —Reference Reviews, June 9, 2015
                       ”                          within libraries. ”             An indispensable tool for librarians who
                the tale.                         well as for training purposes
                  —Library Resources and Technical          —ARBA, January 1, 2013    do reference or collection management,
                         Services, February 1, 2016                               this work is a pioneering offering of
                                                Now thoroughly revised for today’s
              This easy-to-use, comprehensive guide                               expertly selected print and electronic
              shows how to establish a floating   21st-century library environment,   reference tools for East Asian Studies
              collection in any library—regardless of   this title provides a complete update   (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean).
              type or size.                     of the classic Developing Library and   FEATURES
                                                Information Center Collections—
              FEATURES                          the standard text and authority on   •  Represents the first work to include
              •  Presents best practices from libraries   collection development for all types   Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
                in the United States and Canada  of libraries and library school students   materials in one volume
              •  Synthesizes all relevant background   since 1979.                •   Incorporates critical information on
                material, history, and reasons other                                subscription-based and open-source
                systems have decided to float,   FEATURES                           electronic reference tools
                enabling the prospective floater to   •  Created under the guidance of an   •  Written by noted leading experts in
                make the best decision for his or her   advisory board consisting of members   Asian Studies librarianship
                library                           who represented academic, public,   •  Supplies materials in English and
              •  Contains chapters on conquering   and school librarianship, and who   vernacular Asian languages
                major stumbling blocks, predicting   have all taught librarianship courses   •  Includes multilingual titles but
                success with concrete numbers and   during their careers            provides references and citations in
                other simple-to-use methods     •  Represents a must-have book for   English
                                                  library school students and others
                                                  new to collection management
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