Page 159 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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              Raising the Tech Bar                              Keeping Up with
              at Your Library                                   Emerging Technologies

              Improving Services to                             Best Practices for
              Meet User Needs                                   Information Professionals
                                                                NICOLE HENNIG
              NICK D. TAYLOR
                                                                                     The ever-increasing acceleration
                                        Keeping up with                              of technological change demands
                                        technology is more                           that today’s information
                                        critical and difficult than                  professionals and educators not
                                        ever. This challenge                         only be constantly acquiring new
                                        exists not only for library                  knowledge and skills, but also
                                        staff but for their patrons                  that they cultivate the ability to
                                        as well. Today’s librarians                  make sound judgments on which
                                        are often barraged                           technologies to embrace. If you
                                        with increasingly                            are grappling with information
                                        complex questions from                       overload and wondering how you
                                        their patrons about     June 2017, 177pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4   can keep up, this guide is for you.
                                        technology—from         Print: 978-1-4408-5440-8
                                                                $50.00, £39.00, €46.00
                                        loading eBooks onto     eBook: 978-1-4408-5441-5  FEATURES
               May 2017, 117pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4   their readers to helping               •  Provides ideas for designing
               Print: 978-1-4408-4496-6   resurrect dead laptops.                      curriculum for an education
               $50.00, £39.00, €46.00   Why not capitalize on     technology specialist career track in library school
               eBook: 978-1-4408-4497-3  this opportunity and
               transform your library into a first-stop, go-to resource for   Librarian’s Guide
               your community’s tech needs?
               FEATURES                                         to Online Searching
               •  Offers librarians a new way to meet diverse users’ needs   Cultivating Database Skills
                and build community support
                                                                for Research and Instruction

                                                                Fourth Edition | SUZANNE S. BELL
                                                                                      “ An ideal Library Science
                                        NICK D. TAYLOR, is                             curriculum textbook. ”
                                        the supervisor of tech                               —Midwest Book Review,
                                        experience at Arapahoe                                        April 17, 2015
                                                                                     This groundbreaking textbook and
                                                                                     guide for library school students
                                                                                     and librarians will help you—
                                                                                     regardless of experience level
                                                                                     or environment—learn the ins
                                                                                     and outs of working with online
                                                                February 2015, 320pp, 7x10   databases, the best tactics for
              ALSO OF INTEREST                                  Print: 978-1-61069-998-3   effective research online, and the
                                                                $55.00, £43.00, €50.00
            Harnessing the Power of Google: What Every Researcher Should   eBook: 978-1-61069-999-0   methods for conveying these search
            Know on page 172.                                                        skills to others.

                                            ORDER THROUGH YOUR DISTRIBUTOR OR AT ABC-CLIO.COM  /  800-368-6868    157
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