Page 157 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 157


                NEW                             New Directions for                Foundations of
              Currents of                       Special Collections               Museum Studies
              Archival Thinking                 An Anthology of Practice          Evolving Systems
                                                LYNNE M. THOMAS AND               of Knowledge
              Second Edition | HEATHER MACNEIL
                                                                                  AND JOHN E. SIMMONS

              January 2017, 398pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4   October 2016, 249pp, 7x10
              Print: 978-1-4408-3908-5          Print: 978-1-4408-4290-0          September 2014, 155pp, 7x10
              $65.00, £50.00, €60.00            $85.00, £66.00, €78.00            Print: 978-1-61069-282-3
              eBook: 978-1-4408-3909-2          eBook: 978-1-4408-4291-7          $55.00, £43.00, €50.00
                                                                                  eBook: 978-1-61069-952-5
               “ academic libraries (particularly   Special collections today—from rare   “ It is well-written, concise,
                 This title is perfect for
                                                books and other specialized book
                library schools), and special   collections to audio recordings and   well-structured, and a good
                collections, and for those      visual images—offer librarians limitless   introduction to the topic. ”
                pursuing a career in archives   opportunities to showcase their skills       —Systematic Biology, June 22, 2015
                                      ”         access to these resources to patrons.   This broad introduction to museums
                and records management.         in curating, preserving, and offering
                            —VOYA, April 4, 2017  Addressing the most exciting and   benefits all educators who teach
              With new technologies and additional   challenging areas in the profession,   introductory museum studies,
              goals driving their institutions, archives   this text will be invaluable to any   addressing the discipline from a holistic,
              are changing drastically. This book shows   professional looking ahead to the   dynamic, and document-centered
              how the core foundations of archival   future of special collections and related   perspective.
              practice can be brought forward to   cultural heritage work.        FEATURES
              adapt to new environments—while   FEATURES                          •  Frames museum studies within an
              adhering to the key principles of   •  Covers a broad range of special   information context and specifically
              preservation and access.            collections work that shares      addresses the interests and concerns
                                                  perspectives from many different   of librarians
                                                  practitioners and experts in the field  •  Benefits all educators who teach
              •  Presents current thinking on archival
                theory, methods, and practice and   •  Updates the notion of special collections   introductory museum studies,
                                                                                    addressing the discipline from a
                addresses new thinking about the role   to the wide range of institutions and
                of archival institutions          contexts where they exist today,   holistic, dynamic, and document-
                                                                                    centered perspective
              •  Documents how the foundational   illustrating non-traditional opportunities
                                                  for special collections work
                principles of archives and museums                                •  Highlights how museums are
                are changing                    •  Expands job opportunities for readers   embedded in a larger cultural complex
                                                  by providing an overview of the most   that includes libraries, archives, and
              •   Introduces readers to other     compelling and exciting trends and   other information institutions
                disciplinary perspectives on archives   challenges in the changing field of
                                                  special collections

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