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            Crash Course: For All Your Training Needs

            The Crash Course series was created for library staff who need basic information on various service-specific topics. The titles in
            this series take a simple, “how-to” approach that focuses on providing all the fundamental knowledge needed for day-to-day library
            services. The books can serve as handy references, practical workshop guides, or effective training manuals, and will be useful to new
            librarians as well as staff who may need refresher information for new areas of responsibility.

                                                                                     Crash Course
                FORTHCOMING                                                          in eBooks

              Crash Course in                                                        MICHELE MCGRAW
                                                                                     AND GAIL MUELLER SCHULTZ
              Young Adult Services                                                   Everything you need to know

              SARAH FLOWERS                                                          about eBooks is explained in this
                                                                                     holistic guide to a new world
                                        Learn how to improve                         of reading—from selection and
                                        teen services in public                      curation of an eBook collection to
                                        libraries by better                          training and support for staff and
                                        understanding teen      October 2016, 136pp, 8 1/2x11   patrons.
                                        development and having   Print: 978-1-61069-862-7
                                                                $45.00, £35.00, €41.00
                                        positive interactions   eBook: 978-1-61069-863-4  FEATURES
                                        with teens to provide                        •  Provides an all-encompassing
                                        appropriate and                                exploration of eBooks that
                                        interesting collections   covers everything from creation to consumption to choosing
                                        and services.             vendors
                                                                •  Reviews various selection criteria for eBooks that can be
                                        FEATURES                  customized to meet the needs of your library and community
                                        •   Enables librarians to
                                         create a welcoming
              October 2017, 125pp, 8 1/2x11   environment for teens                  Crash Course in
              Print: 978-1-4408-5170-4   in the library                              Library Budgeting
              $45.00, £35.00, €41.00    •  Explains how to better
              eBook: 978-1-4408-5171-1                                               and Finance
                                         understand teen
                                         patrons by finding                          GLEN E. HOLT AND
                out what teens read, listen to, and watch, enabling you to           LESLIE EDMONDS HOLT
                guide them to “something good to read”
              •  Provides guidance in how to help teens meet their                      An excellent resource
                homework or other information needs                                   “ for neophytes on rigorous
              •  Examines thorny issues regarding access, privacy,                     accounting and finance
                challenges to materials, and Internet use                              issues. . . . This will also be
                                                                August 2016, 207pp, 8 1/2x11
                                                                Print: 978-1-4408-3474-5   useful to librarians looking
                                                                $45.00, £35.00, €41.00   to prepare themselves for
                                                                eBook: 978-1-4408-3475-2  management and director
                                      SARAH FLOWERS is the                             positions.
                                      retired deputy county
                                      librarian at the Santa                                  —VOYA, April 4, 2017
                                      Clara County Library. She   Concise, informative, and well-indexed, this book helps readers
                                      currently teaches online   get the “big picture” as well as the considerable number of
                                      courses on teen services
                                      and supervision for the   details involved in managing the finances for a library.
                                      InfoPeople Project.
                                                                •  Provides completely updated information through engaging,
                                                                  clear explanations of details on licensing, contracts, and
                                                                  maintaining technology and electronic resources

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