Page 190 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 190


                FORTHCOMING                       FORTHCOMING                     Service Learning,

              Storytelling Strategies           The Pivotal Role of               Information Literacy,
              for Reaching and                  Academic Librarians               and Libraries

              Teaching Children with            in Digital Learning               JENNIFER E. NUTEFALL, EDITOR
              Special Needs                     MELISSA N. MALLON

              SHERRY NORFOLK AND
              LYN FORD, EDITORS

                                                                                  April 2016, 155pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
                                                                                  Print: 978-1-4408-4091-3
                                                November 2017, 160pp, 7x10        $65.00, £50.00, €60.00
                                                Print: 978-1-4408-5217-6          eBook: 978-1-4408-4092-0
                                                $50.00, £39.00, €46.00
                                                eBook: 978-1-4408-5218-3
              December 2017, 200pp, 7x10                                           “ Readers will come away with a
              Print: 978-1-4408-5364-7                                              better understanding of all the
              $50.00, £39.00, €46.00            The current budget-constrained, rapidly   ways academic libraries can
              eBook: 978-1-4408-5365-4
                                                evolving climate of higher education   contribute to service learning
                                                and academic libraries makes it a   by providing information
              This book supplies stories, essays, and   necessity for academic librarians and   literacy instruction, useful
              lesson plans along with specialized   administrators to communicate the   materials, space, and more.
              storytelling strategies to help teachers   value of their library to the university.   Recommended for instruction
              “level the playing field” for all learners   This book explains how to execute this   librarians at academic
              and better serve children with special   critical task.               libraries. ”
              needs.                                                                    —Library Journal, August 1, 2016
              FEATURES                          •  Advocates and explains the     As the number of service learning
              •  Provides a variety of successful   instructional role of academic   courses and their requirements increase,
                storytelling strategies for reaching   librarians—a role that is key and   it is essential for academic librarians to
                and teaching children with specific   continuing to grow in importance
                disabilities, enabling educators and   •  Furnishes practical examples of digital   partner with faculty and administration
                mentors to choose options that    products and proven processes to aid   to include lifelong research skills
                will work best for their teaching   in student learning           components. This crucial book provides
                environment and students                                          insights and case studies that will help
                                                •  Provides concrete methodologies
              •  Provides immediate access to stories,   to use technology to increase the   you do just that.
                strategies, and adaptations to meet   visibility and perceived value of
                specific needs                    academic libraries              FEATURES
              •  Offers a joyful, engaging, and   •  Illustrates the use of templates,   •  Draws from the 2014 (inaugural)
                                                                                    Colloquium on Libraries & Service
                thoroughly human way to interact   lesson plans, and other tools that
                with all students—a method that   serve teaching librarians         Learning
                makes giving the gift of empathetic                               •  Offers a unique take on the role
                education easier                                                    of libraries and librarians in the
                                                                                    service learning programs that
                                                                                    are increasingly popular in higher
                                                                                    education as a way to engage active

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