Page 189 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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                                 Guided Inquiry                                        FORTHCOMING
                                 Learning in the                                     Flipped Library
                                 21st Century
                                 Second Edition                                      A Guide for
                                 CAROL C. KUHLTHAU,
                                 LESLIE K. MANIOTES,                                 Academic Librarians
                                 AND ANN K. CASPARI
                                                                                     LAURA HEINZ
                                 This dynamic approach to an
                                 exciting form of teaching and                       This valuable book introduces the
                                 learning will inspire students                      flipped classroom and explains
            October 2015, 254pp, 7x10   to gain insights and complex   March 2018, 140pp, 7x10   how flipped instruction techniques
            Print: 978-1-4408-3381-6                            Print: 978-1-4408-5584-9   can be used by academic librarians
            $50.00, £39.00, €46.00   thinking skills from the school   $50.00, £39.00, €46.00   to help students achieve deeper
            eBook: 978-1-4408-3382-3   library, their community, and the   eBook: 978-1-4408-5585-6
                                 wider world.                                        mastery of course content and
                                                                                     empower undergraduates to take
                                                                responsibility for their own learning.
            •  Identifies and explains the five kinds of learning accomplished
              through guided inquiry                            FEATURES
            •  Includes a new chapter on how to meet current curricular   •  Explains why flipping instruction will work for—and may
              standards throughout inquiry learning              come to be expected by—students who are now entering
            •  Introduces the Guided Inquiry Design framework    college and university
                                                                •  Includes data from a survey of experienced librarians
                                                                 (including the author) who are successfully using flipped
                                 Peer-Assisted                                         NEW
                                 Learning in
                                 Academic Libraries                                  MOOCs Now
                                                                                     Everything You Need to
                                 ERIN RINTO, JOHN WATTS,
                                 AND ROSAN MITOLA, EDITORS                           Know to Design, Set Up,
                                                                                     and Run a Massive Open
                                 Written specifically for academic
                                 librarians and library administrators,              Online Course
                                 this book identifies the myriad                     SUSAN W. ALMAN AND
            July 2017, 220pp, 7x10   benefits of peer-assisted learning,             JENNIFER JUMBA, EDITORS
            Print: 978-1-4408-4688-5
            $65.00, £50.00, €60.00   exploring how the implementation                Learn from experts who have
            eBook: 978-1-4408-4689-2   of peer-assisted learning benefits   February 2017, 117pp, 7x10   created and presented Massive
                                 information literacy instruction,   Print: 978-1-4408-4457-7   Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
                                                                $65.00, £50.00, €60.00
                                 cocurricular outreach, and reference   eBook: 978-1-4408-4458-4  that can reach a vast audience,
                                                                                     and discover how to develop and
            FEATURES                                            present this new online form of continuing education.
            •  Introduces readers to a well-established and effective practice
              in higher education and demonstrates how it can be used in   FEATURES
              library-initiated programs                        •  Covers the phenomenon of MOOCs from the perspective of
                                                                 veteran librarians—the first book to do so
            •  Provides the means to extend library staff resources by
              incorporating student employees in instruction, outreach, and   •  Offers in-depth understanding and practical guidance to those
              reference services                                 considering offering MOOCs
            •  Supplies practical examples—complete with assessments,   •  Identifies the pitfalls to avoid and outcomes to pursue with
              administrative justifications and lessons learned—for training   this fast-growing trend in educational technology and online
              and assessing student peer mentors                 learning

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