Page 195 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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                                 Promoting Great                                     Getting Beyond
                                 Reads to Improve                                    “Interesting”

                                 Teen Reading                                        Teaching Students the
                                 Core Connections with                               Vocabulary of Appeal to
                                 Booktalks and More                                  Discuss Their Reading
                                 LUCY SCHALL                                         OLGA M. NESI
                                 Support current educational                          “ Ms. Nesi details a plan
                                 initiatives with a ready-to-use                       for teaching students and
                                 tool that will help you with                          teachers to use expressive
            February 2015        selection, motivation, and     July 2012, 183pp, 8 1/2x11   appeal terms when
            259pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4                                  Print: 978-1-59884-935-6   describing books. . . . Highly
            Print: 978-1-4408-3492-9   skill building relative to titles   $40.00, £31.00, €37.00
            $45.00, £35.00, €41.00   published within the last five   eBook: 978-1-61069-225-0  recommended.
            eBook: 978-1-4408-3493-6  years.                                              —Library Media Connection,
                                                                                                     March 1, 2013
            •  Helps librarians promote new fiction and nonfiction to teens   Make use of a detailed plan and ready-to-use lessons for teaching
              and to build literacy                             appeal terms and Book Hook writing to students.
            •  Supports the new national and state standards through learning
              extensions                                        FEATURES
                                                                •  Provides practical and immediately usable material
                                                                •  Includes a series of professional development workshops for
                                 Six Skills by Age Six           English teachers, complete with all necessary materials for
                                 Launching Early
                                 Literacy at the Library
                                 ANNA FOOTE AND                                      Celebrating Cuentos
                                 BRADLEY DEBRICK
                                                                                     Promoting Latino
                                  “ wonderful job describing                         Children’s Literature and
                                    Overall, the authors do a
                                   the process and providing                         Literacy in Classrooms
                                                                                     and Libraries
                                   examples of each type
                                   of early literacy stage.                          JAMIE CAMPBELL NAIDOO, EDITOR
            November 2015, 228pp, 7x10   . . . [A] valuable tool for
            Print: 978-1-61069-899-3   integrating early literacy                    More effectively meet the diverse
            $45.00, £35.00, €41.00                                                   literacy needs of the growing
            eBook: 978-1-61069-900-6  activities into a public                       Latino population by learning how
                                   library setting.             November 2010        to evaluate and select quality
                                       —School Library Journal,    381pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4   Latino children’s literature.
                                               June 28, 2016    Print: 978-1-59158-904-4
                                                                $55.00, £43.00, €50.00   FEATURES
            This one-stop guide to nurturing six core early literacy skills at
                                                                eBook: 978-1-59158-905-1  •  Details specific practical strategies
            your library also offers practical tips for sharing these skills with
            parents, teachers, and other caregivers so they can institute them   for incorporating Latino children’s literature into literacy and
                                                                 library programs
            in playgroups, in school, or at home.
                                                                •  Contains interviews with notable award-winning Latino authors
            FEATURES                                             and illustrators
            •  Guides you in launching an early literacy program no matter the   •  Offers the latest research in the area of Latino children’s
              size of your library or budget                     literature and literacy

                                            ORDER THROUGH YOUR DISTRIBUTOR OR AT ABC-CLIO.COM  /  800-368-6868    193
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