Page 200 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 200


              From Video Games                  Library Robotics                  Get Real with
              to Real Life                      Technology and English            Storytime

              Tapping into Minecraft            Language Arts Activities          52 Weeks of Early Literacy
              to Inspire Creativity and         for Ages 8–24                     Programming with
              Learning in the Library           SARAH KEPPLE                      Nonfiction and Poetry
              MARY L. GLENDENING                                                  JULIE DIETZEL-GLAIR AND
                                                                                  MARIANNE CRANDALL FOLLIS

                                                October 2015, 156pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
                                                Print: 978-1-4408-3558-2
              September 2016, 115pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
              Print: 978-1-4408-4378-5          $45.00, £35.00, €41.00            November 2015, 337pp, 8 1/2x11
              $50.00, £39.00, €46.00            eBook: 978-1-4408-3559-9          Print: 978-1-4408-3738-8
              eBook: 978-1-4408-4379-2                                            $45.00, £35.00, €41.00
                                                A dive-right-in, quick-start guide for busy   eBook: 978-1-4408-3739-5
               “ exemplary job of providing     library professionals who want to build
                 Overall, Glendening does an
                                                literacy, STEAM, and other 21st-century
                libraries with an idea of the   skills using simple robots in a fun,   This is a complete, year-long
                                                                                  programming guide that shows
                tools and resources required    collaborative environment.        librarians how to integrate nonfiction
                to create, organize, and offer   FEATURES                         and poetry into storytime for preschool
                a genre-themed avenue into      •  Provides the only guidebook currently   children in order to build literacy skills
                exciting, creative lab activities   available about robotics written by   and overall knowledge.
                                     ”            a librarian, for librarians—a simple,   FEATURES
                and STEM programming.
                        —VOYA, December 2, 2016   practical guide that virtually any
                                                  librarian can use, no prior tech   •  Helps librarians meet children’s
              This guide shows youth librarians how   experience necessary          interests in “real stuff” and reach
              to use the appeal of Minecraft—a game   •  Guides librarians in using their   more children—especially boys—in
              that many young learners are intensely   knowledge of literacy, youth   storytime
              passionate about—to create engaging   development, and guided-      •  Provides new and effective ways
              library programs that encourage     inquiry methodology to gain an    to build early literacy skills using a
                                                                                    unique blend of the “literary” and the
                                                  accessible entry point to grow their
              creativity and build STEAM (Science,   technological skills alongside the   “real”
              Technology, Engineering, Arts, and   youth they serve               •  Supports national and state standards
              Mathematics) learning through library   •  Includes lesson plans and activity   that emphasize the use of more
              programs.                           guides to help you start a simple   nonfiction and informational text
              FEATURES                            robotics curriculum as quickly as   •  Enables librarians to make better use
                                                  possible                          of their existing collections
              •  Helps librarians harness the power
                of an incredibly popular game and   •  Supplies outcome measurement tools
                use it effectively as a springboard to   •  Discusses funding ideas and sample
                learning                          budgets
              •  Assists librarians in supporting STEM
                and STEAM initiatives

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