Page 201 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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                                 Maker Literacy                                      The Maker
                                 A New Approach to                                   Cookbook
                                 Literacy Programming                                Recipes for Children’s
                                 for Libraries                                       and ‘Tween Library
                                 LYNN PAWLOSKI AND CINDY WALL                        Programs

                                 This book takes the creativity                      CINDY R. WALL AND
                                 and inventiveness of the maker                      LYNN M. PAWLOSKI
                                                                                     FOREWORD BY BILL DERRY
                                 movement and applies that
                                 energy in a new way to help                          “ Programs that involve
            November 2016, 116pp, 7x10   children learn across all subject   August 2014, 237pp, 8 1/2x11   creating a “Balloon Zip
            Print: 978-1-4408-4380-8   areas as well as broaden their   Print: 978-1-61069-661-6   Line,” a “Zen Garden,” or
            $40.00, £31.00, €37.00   world view.                $45.00, £35.00, €41.00   a “Maker Marketplace”
            eBook: 978-1-4408-4381-5                            eBook: 978-1-61069-662-3  will delight library users
                                                                 and generate activity and excitement in your library.
                                                                 Thoroughly ‘user friendly’ throughout.
            •  Addresses the avid interests of youth in technology                               ”
            •  Provides librarians with a practical resource for incorporating       —Midwest Book Review, December 1, 2014
              tech literacy into storytime and other youth programs
                                                                The Maker Movement is hot, and librarians are eager to
                                                                participate. Even if you feel restricted by budget, staff, or space,
              ALSO OF INTEREST                                  this step-by-step guide will help you turn your library into a
                                                                creativity center.
            Make It Here: Inciting Creativity and Innovation in Your Library on
            page 182 and Creating Makers: How to Start a Learning Revolution   FEATURES
            at Your Library on page 192.                        •  Makes it easy for you to host Maker programs for children
                                                                 and ‘tweens—with “No Makerspace Required!”

                                 The BIG Book of
                                 Glues, Brews,                                       Diversity
                                 and Goos                                            Programming for
                                 500+ Kid-Tested Recipes                             Digital Youth
                                 and Formulas for                                    Promoting Cultural
                                 Hands-On Learning                                   Competence in the
                                                                                     Children’s Library
                                 DIANA F. MARKS
                                 ILLUSTRATED BY                                      JAMIE CAMPBELL NAIDOO
                                 DONNA L. FARRELL                                      Educators and librarians
            December 2014        This compilation is a must-have for                  “ alike will benefit from the
            407pp, 8 1/2x11      every library, providing a multitude
            Print: 978-1-61069-771-2                            June 2014, 187pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4   information presented in
            $50.00, £39.00, €46.00   of methods for developing easy,   Print: 978-1-61069-487-2   this book about the need
            eBook: 978-1-61069-772-9  interesting activities for children.   $55.00, £43.00, €50.00   to reach the diverse needs
                                 Projects across cultures, recipes for   eBook: 978-1-61069-488-9   of our youth.
            healthy snacks, and intriguing science experiments are among the
            hundreds of ideas connecting learning and creativity for students           —ARBAonline, October 1, 2014
            of all ages.                                        Combining information about outreach to diverse populations,
                                                                selection of culturally diverse children’s print and digital media,
            FEATURES                                            and library programming, this book is the tool librarians need
            •  Offers detailed instructions for making fun projects like   to promote cultural understanding through engaging children’s
              simple telephones, face paint, a homemade compass, and   programs designed for today’s culturally diverse youth.
              snow globes
            •  Features projects from other cultures and other periods

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