Page 206 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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            Don’t Miss These Best-Selling Titles

            To learn more about these titles visit

            Activism and the         Evolving Global           iPads® in                Read, Rhyme,

            School Librarian         Information               the Library              and Romp
            Tools for Advocacy and  Infrastructure             Using Tablet             Early Literacy Skills and
            Survival                 and Information           Technology to Enhance    Activities for Librarians,
            DEBORAH D. LEVITOV, EDITOR                         Programs for All Ages    Teachers, and Parents
            June 2012, 123pp, 8 1/2x11    ROBERT J. GROVER,    JOEL A. NICHOLS          HEATHER MCNEIL
            Print: 978-1-61069-187-1   ROGER C. GREER,         June 2013, 136pp, 7x10   June 2012, 226pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
            $45.00  £35.00 €41.00    HERBERT K. ACHLEITNER, AND   Print: 978-1-61069-347-9   Print: 978-1-59884-956-1
            eBook: 978-1-61069-188-8    KELLY VISNAK           $45.00  £35.00 €41.00    $45.00  £35.00 €41.00
                                     March 2015, 150pp, 7x10    eBook: 978-1-61069-348-6  eBook: 978-1-59884-957-8
            ---------------------------------------------------------------  Print: 978-1-61069-957-0
            Crash Course             $75.00  £58.00 €69.00     ---------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------
                                     eBook: 978-1-61069-958-7
            in Dealing with                                    Library Services         Subject Access
            Difficult Library        ---------------------------------------------------------------  for Adults in the   to Information
            Customers                Growing Schools           21st Century             An Interdisciplinary
            SHELLEY E. MOSLEY,       Librarians as             ELSIE A. ROGERS HALLIDAY
            DENNIS C. TUCKER, AND    Professional              OKOBI                    KORALJKA GOLUB
                                     Developers                December 2013, 242pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4   November 2014, 165pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
            December 2013, 173pp, 8 1/2x11                     Print: 978-1-59158-705-7   Print: 978-1-61069-577-0
            Print: 978-1-61069-283-0    DEBBIE ABILOCK, KRISTIN   $60.00  £47.00 €55.00   $60.00  £47.00 €55.00
            $45.00  £35.00 €41.00    FONTICHIARO, AND VIOLET H.   eBook: 978-1-61069-618-0  eBook: 978-1-61069-578-7
                                     HARADA, EDITORS
            eBook: 978-1-61069-284-7
                                     June 2012, 390pp, 7x10    ---------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------
            ---------------------------------------------------------------  Print: 978-1-61069-041-6   Managing
                                     $45.00  £35.00 €41.00                              Teaching
            The Creative             eBook: 978-1-61069-042-3  Children’s Services      Social Media
            Imperative                                         in Libraries             The Can-Do Guide
            School Librarians and    ---------------------------------------------------------------  Fourth Edition | ADELE M. FASICK
            Teachers Cultivating     Information               AND LESLIE EDMONDS HOLT  LIZ KIRCHHOFF
            Curiosity Together       Resources in the          December 2012, 225pp, 7x10   August 2014, 121pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
                                     Humanities and            Print: 978-1-61069-100-0   Print: 978-1-61069-556-5
            JAMI BILES JONES AND                                                        $45.00  £35.00 €41.00
            LORI J. FLINT, EDITORS                             $50.00  £39.00 €46.00    eBook: 978-1-61069-557-2
                                     the Arts                  eBook: 978-1-61069-373-8
            September 2013, 242pp, 7x10   Sixth Edition | ANNA H. PERRAULT
            Print: 978-1-61069-307-3    AND ELIZABETH S. AVERSA,
            $50.00  £39.00 €46.00    WITH CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS,
            eBook: 978-1-61069-308-0    CYNTHIA MILLER AND
                                     SONIA RAMÍREZ WOHLMUTH

                                     December 2012, 461pp, 7x10
                                     Print: 978-1-59884-832-8
                                     $80.00  £62.00 €73.00
                                     eBook: 978-1-61069-327-1

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