Page 4 - Re-MP-MLA
P. 4

Construction of RUB  The above location is at Km 63/17 between
                                                                  at 63/17 km stone  MVH-  TDU  where no Level crossing gate is
                                                                  between Tandur and  existing and provision of RUB  at this location
                                                                  Mantatti Korrviched  is  not feasible as existing bank height is
                                                                  Railway stations.          insufficient.  Public can use the RUB at LC
                                                                                             No.11 @ km 64/9-10 which is within the
                                                                                             distance of 1 km and  LC No. 10 located at KM.
                                                                                             62/10-12 which is   1200mtrs away from  the
                                                                                             above said location.

                                                                  Construction of ROB        The above location is at LC No. 13 at Km.
                                                                  in lieu of  LC No.13/T     70/8-10 ( Tandur Yard on   SC-WD section .
                                                                  at Km. 70/7-9 (new) at     The work for Provision of ROB has been
                                                                  Tandur town limits         sanctioned at this  location in 2016-17 and
                                                                  (Railway     yard)    on
                                                                  Secunderabad           to  execution  of work is dealt by Construction
                                                                                             Organisation. It is to inform that part estimate
                                                                  Wadi            section),
                                                                  Vikarabad district.        for Railway Bridge proper  is vetted by finance,
                                                                                             but vetting of Approach road  Estimate  is
                                                                                             awaited from State Govt. The estimate for
                                                                                             Railway portion returned by finance with
                                                                                             observations and  to  process the consolidated
                                                                                             estimate    duly    coordinating     with    R&B
                                                                                             department on 11.09.2018. State Government
                                                                                             have been advised to submit the approaches
                                                                                             estimate to process further on 20.09.18. Several
                                                                                             reminders given to State Government. The last
                                                                                             reminder dt. 17.02.2020. No response /action
                                                                                             from State Government so far.

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