Page 6 - Re-MP-MLA
P. 6

The subject location at LC No.9 at Km 15/7-8
                                                                  Construction of RUB  between VKB-  SSPD stations.    --As existing
                                                                  at     Gatvanampally, bank height  is insufficient, RUB/ LHS is not
                                                                  Mominpet Mandal.           feasible.

                                                                                              The subject location at LC No.18 T at  Km
                                                                   Construction of RUB       35/5-6 at  Marpalli (MRF) yard. As existing
                                                                  at Morangapalli at         bank height  is insufficient, RUB/ LHS is not
                                                                  Mominpet Mandal.           feasible

                                                                  Strengthening of the       The above location is   at ROB NO. 119 @ km
                                                                  existing    bridge     of  111/16-18 at Vikarbad Yard  which is in good
                                                                  Railway         Station,   condition. Hence strengthening is not required.

                                                                  Laying of alternate        The above location is at Bridge No. 134 at Km
                                                                                             120/22-28  at CTF yard. Joint inspection along
                                                                  road near  Moosi river
                                                                  crossing    (Vikarabad     with State Government Officials has been
                                                                  junction).                 conducted on 28-04-2021 and found that laying
                                                                                             of alternate road is not feasible as the area will
                                                                                             be inundated during rains/floods.
                                                                  Construction           of
                                                                  another footpath at         Work for Provision of Additional FOB at
                                                                  Vikarabad       Railway    Vikarabad proposed in 2018-19 and 2019-20
                                                                  Station.                   but not sanctioned.
                  3    Sri Umesh G.  Chittapur          21-09-    Foot over Bridge work  Foot over  Bridge at  Chittapur is in progress,  23.09.2021.
                       Jadhav–             Railway       2021     in      complete       at the status of work is  -footings concrete work
                       Hon’ble              station               Chittapur       Railway completed.         Stanchion     erected.     girders
                       Member         of   towards                station towards station  launching  completed. The  work will be
                       Parliament,          station               Tanda Chittapur:           completed by 15  of December 2021.
                       Kalaburagi           Tanda
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