Page 7 - Re-MP-MLA
P. 7

4    Shri.  Kotha  Tellapur            NIL      Construction of New  The proposed location is at  Railway Km.  17.09.2021.
                       Prabhakar            Village               RUB      at     Tellapur 158/21-23 between Tellapur and Lingampalli
                       Reddy Hon’ble                              Village,                   stations. One RUB (4 M wide x 3.6 m height) is
                       MP/Medak                                   Ramachandrapuram           already existing at this location and it is  the
                                                                  Mandal, Medak-  New  proposal for providing additional vent  way
                                                                  Request                    adjacent to existing RUB.
                                                                  (Representation letter
                                                                  submitted to General  The then Sr.DEN/West/SC has inspected the
                                                                  Manager).                  site  in the month of Jan’21 and found that
                                                                                             permanent RCC buildings have come up  on
                                                                                             approaches of existing RUB.  It needs land
                                                                                             acquisition and relocation of buildings beyond
                                                                                             railway boundary on RUB approaches. This is
                                                                                             to be taken care by  state government at their
                                                                                             own cost.
                                                                                             As the proposal is for additional vent to
                                                                                             existing RUB, it comes under deposit terms
                                                                                             from State Government. The cost of the
                                                                                             proposed additional vent of size 4 m wide x 3.6
                                                                                             m height to existing RUB is Rs. 10.47 crores.

                  5    Sri.  G. Kishan  Begumpe        12.07.20   Rail under   Bridge   During   the meeting  of  GM/SCR  with   14.07.2021
                       Reddy                   t                  (RUB)   at  Begumpet   Hon’ble  MOS    (Home   Affairs)   on
                       Hon’ble             Railway                Railway          station.    09.09.2019,    it was   decided   to study    the
                       Minister    for      station               Plans  may be  initiated   feasibility  to construct  one new  RUB  from

                       Tourism,                                   for           providing    Begumpet  railway     station   towards
                       Culture    and                             connectivity           to Balkampet   area  road.
                       Development                                Balkampet                  Officers of S.C. Railway and  GHMC have
                       of        North                                                       conducted joint site inspection along with local
                       Eastern                                                               people on  18.10.19 to study the feasibility of
                       Region          (                                                     providing RUB. The proposed RUB location is
                       Hon’ble    MP,                                                        at Railway Km.179/28-30, i.e., at 96m from the
                       Loksabha,                                                             end of the Begumpet Rly.Station platform on

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