Page 7 - Signal & Tele
P. 7

Route Wise                        Remarks
              Sl.       Description
                                               A         B       D      D SPL     E     Total

                   No. of LC gates with
              4                                26        6       5        0       0       37
                    Approach warning.
                   No. of Interlocked
              5                                44       17       10       2       3       76
                   LC gates with  EOLB

                   No. of Interlocked
              6    LC gates with               37       23       23       4       9       96
                   No. of Interlocked
                   LC gates with
              7                                32       21       14       1       6       74
                   sliding boom
                   (Station  Section)

                   No. of Interlocked
                   LC gates with
              8                                22        7       5        5       0       39
                   sliding boom
                   (Block  Section)

                   No. of LC gates with
              9                                40       16       4        2       3       65
                   Operated  Lifting
                   Barrier with ESLB
                   No. of LC gates with
              10                               14       12       15       4       3       48
                   Operated  Lifting
                   Barrier with ESLB
              V.                                        INTERLOCKING
                   No. of stations with
              1                                 1        2       0       0       0        3      SC, KZJ & DKJ.
                   No. of stations with
              2    Route setting Panel          2        4       5       0      15       26
                   Interlocking. (RSPI)
                   No. of stations with                                                         B-28/31
                   Central Panels and                                                           D-23/24
              3                                28       28       23      1       6       86
                   conventional Panel                                                           D SPL-01/01
                   Relay interlocking.                                                          E-06/07
                                                                                                TOTAL : 86/100
                   No. of stations with                                                         Stations-24
              4    Solid State                 16        6       1       0       1       24     Cabins-7
                   Interlocking (EI).

                   No. of stations with                                                         SYI: Temporarily
              5    SM’s  slide                  0        0       1       0       3        4     closed
                                                                                                SCMS, GDCR,
                   instruments                                                                  JPTN-A
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12