Page 12 - Signal & Tele
P. 12

                                    N N N         N    N     N
                                                                   S     O
              Sl.                    S   S   S    S     S    S
              No    Equipment       G G G        G     G     G     G     T     Remarks
                                                                   3     A
                                    1  2  3       4     5    6
                                                                               NSG1: SC, NSG2: HYB
                                                                               NSG3: KZJ, KMT, WL
                   Face to
              6    face Enquiry  1  1  3          5     7     -    -     17    NSG4: BDCR, PRLI, RDM,
                   System                                                      TDU, VKB.  NSG5:  BPA, CT,
                                                                               KRMR, PDPL, SEM, SKZR,
              7                      -   -  1     --   --     -    -     1     NSG3: WL
                                                                               All 134 stations of NSG1 to
              8    GPS Clocks)   1  1  4          9    25  78  12  134  NSG-6 and SG-3 category
                                                                               All 132 stations of NSG1 to
              9    Wi- Fi Facility  1  1  4       9    25  77  14  132  NSG-6 and SG-3 category
                   Reservation                                                 NSG1: SC, NSG2: HYB
                                                                               NSG3: KZJ, WL, LPI, NSG4:
              10  Charting          1  1  3       3     1     -    -     9     BMT, MCI, BIDR, NSG5:
                   System                                                      SKZR.

            NSG: Non Sub-Urban Grade, SG: Sub urban Grade, NC: Non-Categorized.

             b. Performance Statistics :

                Signal Incidences:
                Overall failures recorded up to October 2021-22            :        1798
                Chargeable failures recorded up to October 2021-22    :             833

                Note:  As  per  the  instructions  of  CRB,  zero  based  failures  is  followed  (No
                comparison  of  last  year  performance).  True  reporting  of  online  failures,
                irrespective of Train detention is adopted.

                Telecom Control Circuit Efficiency:
                100%  control  communication  efficiency  has  been  achieved  up  to  October
                2021-22 against the target to 99.50% with OFC cable of 1554.4 Kms and Quad
                cable of 1428 Kms.
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17