Page 9 - Signal & Tele
P. 9

Sl.        Description                           Route Wise
              No                                A        B       D     D SPL     E     Total
              VIII                                             OTHERS
                     No. of Major IPS at
               1                               78       60      29       1      26      194
                     stations/ Locations.
                     No. of Major IPS at
               2     Auto Goompty with          0       6        0       0      0        6      AG  2 -2, AG 3 - 2,
                                                                                                AG 4 - 2
                     Major IPS.
                     No. of stations/
               3     Locations with Mini       14       4        1       0      1       20
                     No. of IB Huts
               4     provided with Mini        33       19       0       0      0       52
                     No. of LCs provided
               5                               36       9        6       1      0       52
                     with Mini IPS.
                     No. of Stations
               6     provided with Mini        14       4        0       0      1       19
                     No. of Block sections
               7                               50       31       5       0      17      103
                     with BPAC
                     Provision of
               8     DUAL/HASSDAC              25       13       0       0      0       38
                     BPAC in IBS sections
                     Provision of
               9     DUAL/HASSDAC              18       8        5       0      17      48

                     BPAC in Non-IBS
                     No. of stations with
                     Alarm system for
               10    setting  of points        31       33      29       1      10      104
                     against the
                     occupied lines.
                     (As per  3.36)
                     No. of stations with
               11                              46       39      25       1      20      131

               12    No. of Track circuits     1835    1847     595     24     441     4742

                     No. of Point
              13                              847      876     255       5     175     2158
               14    TWS Point machines  341           127       2       0      0       470
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14