Page 17 - Signal & Tele
P. 17



              1. System Integrity Test:
                 At 11 stations /Locations System Integrity Test (SIT) has been done to improve
                 the safety of the interlocking of signaling system.

              2. Non Blanking of Signals:
              a. At  LC-42E  (RGP-ZN)  gate  non-blanking  of  signals  has  been  achieved  by
                 providing Mini IPS to improve safety and reliability duly shifting all Gate circuits
                 to newly constructed Gate Hut.
              b. AtHafizpet  (HFZ)  -  Lingampalli  (LPI)  Auto  section  non-blanking  of  signals  has
                 been  achieved  by  providing  Mini  IPS  at  Chandanagar  station  to  improve
                 safety and reliability.

              3. Up gradation of Auto changeover to Version 3.0 of Deltron UFSBI:
                 09  IB  section  UFSBIs  Auto  changeover  card  version  replaced  with  Ver.  3.0  to
                 improve reliability.

              4. Track feed Battery charger (TFBC) PFC wiring (RB PRIME item):
                 At  38  stations/Locations,  Track  feed  Battery  chargers  failure  PFC  wiring  done
                 and  proved  in  Data logger  to  generate  SMS  to section  staff  and  to improve
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